Resiliency - Sample Configurations - NLB on Windows 2008

Follow these instructions for installing Windows Network Load Balancing on Windows Server 2008.

  1. Install Windows Network Load Balancing on each server. Use the Server Manager to add the Feature named Network Load Balancing.

    nlb2008-feature.png (39606 bytes)

  2. Run the Network Load Balancing Manager from Administrative Tools.

    NLB2008-01.png (14882 bytes)

  3. Choose Cluster | New to be prompted with the "New Cluster: Connect" window. Enter localhost for the hostname, and choose Connect to see a list of available interfaces.

    NLB2008-02.png (11094 bytes)

  4. Select the external IP address which the MOVEit DMZ's will share. Then choose "Next".

    NLB2008-03.png (11499 bytes)

  5. In the New Cluster: Host Parameters dialog, simply choose Next.

    NLB2008-04.png (9027 bytes)

  6. In the New Cluster: Cluster IP Addresses, choose Add. In the Add IP Address dialog, enter the IP address that will be serviced by the entire cluster. This should be an address which is not already assigned to any host.

    NLB2008-05.png (8050 bytes)

  7. Choose OK. Then choose Next to get to the New Cluster: Cluster Parameters dialog. Enter the fully qualified domain name that will be assigned to the cluster, and choose Multicast.

    NLB2008-07.png (12742 bytes)

  8. Choose Next to reach the New Cluster: Port Rules dialog. Configure your port settings. In some situations, sticking with the default of "all ports" will be sufficient, but you will want to configure specific ports if you are using Terminal Services or some other remote control software to access each node in the MOVEit DMZ cluster. A more reliable setup is to only add the ports needed by your MOVEit DMZ system. (For example: 20,21,22,80,443,990 and the passive FTP data ports).

    NLB2008-08.png (14709 bytes)

  9. Once you have the proper list, choose Finish to return to the main Network Load Balancing Manager window, which will show a one-node cluster.

    NLB2008-09.png (12449 bytes)

  10. Select the name of the cluster in the left pane and choose Cluster | Add Host. Enter the IP address of the host to be added; that is, the second host and choose Connect.

    NLB2008-10.png (5312 bytes)

  11. Select the external interface and choose Next to reach the Add Host to Cluster: Host Parameters dialog.

    NLB2008-11.png (5668 bytes)

  12. Simply choose Next to reach the Add Host to Cluster: Port Rules dialog. Proceed as per step 8 above.

    NLB2008-12.png (8003 bytes)

  13. Choose Finish to return to the main Network Load Balancing Manager window, which will show your completed two-node cluster.

    NLB2008-13.png (14477 bytes)