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Notification - Custom Notification - Templates

Appearance - Custom Notification - Templates

Custom Notifications are used to override standard templates for emails sent out to users and administrators. This is the list of system templates and their use.



Immediate File Notifications


New File Upload Notification

Sent to users with Notify rights to the uploaded file's parent folder, informing them of the arrival of the new file. This New File Notification is be sent individually (immediately after a file has arrived), The File Upload List template below is used for a delayed batch message listing all the files that have arrived within a configurable time frame.

File Delivery Receipt

Sent to the uploader of a file when another user downloads that file. File Delivery Receipts are only sent out individually, as soon as the download action has occurred.

File Non-Delivery Receipt

Sent to the uploader of a file when another user deletes it before downloading it. File Non-Delivery Receipts are only sent out individually, as soon as the delete action has occurred.

File Upload Confirmation

Sent to the uploader of a new file informing them that the file has arrived and that the appropriate users have been notified of its arrival. This is the immediate notification. The batch-mode notification is below.

Package Notifications


New Package

Sent to recipients of packages informing them that a new package has been posted for them to view.

New Temp User Package (with password)

Sent to temp user recipients of packages informing them that a new package has been posted for them to view and includes account information for the new user, including a password.

New Temp User Package (with password link)

Sent to temp user recipients of packages informing them that a new package has been posted for them to view and includes account information for the new user, including a link to where the user can set a password.

New Guest Package

Sent to guest user recipients of packages informing them that a new package has been posted for them to view and includes a package password for the guest user.

Package Password Notification

Sent to guest user recipients of packages to provide a password for the guest user to view the package. This is sent if package passwords are configured to be sent separately from the New Guest Package notification.

Package Delivery Receipt

Sent to the sender of a package when a recipient views the package. Package Delivery Receipts are only sent if the sender of the package enables the Delivery Receipt(s) setting on an individual package before sending it.

Package Download Receipt

Sent to the sender of a package when a recipient downloads a file from the package. Package Download Receipts are only sent if the sender of the package enables the Delivery Receipt(s) setting on an individual package before sending it.

Package Deleted By User

Sent to the sender of a package when a recipient deletes the package notification before viewing it. Package Non-Delivery Receipts are only sent if the sender of the package enables the Delivery Receipt(s) setting on an individual package before sending it.

Package User Was Deleted

Sent to the sender of a package when a recipient is deleted before viewing the package.

Package Expiration

Sent to the sender of a package when the package expires. A package expires when it meets either the package expiration number of days, or the maximum downloads specified in the individual package options (if available), or otherwise set by the administrator in the Ad Hoc Transfer - Package Quotas.

Package Delayed Delivery Receipt TEXT
Package Delayed Delivery Receipt HTML

For bulk notification of package delivery events. Sent to the sender of a package to provide bulk notification of when a recipient views the package. Package Delivery Receipts are only sent if the sender of the package enables the Delivery Receipt(s) setting on an individual package before sending it. One template is used for text-formatted notification and the other is used for HTML formatted notification.

Webpost Notifications


New Webpost Upload Notification

Sent to users with Notify rights to the Webpost's folder, informing them of the arrival of the new post.

Webpost Confirmation

Sent to the poster informing them that the Webpost has arrived and that the appropriate users have been notified of its arrival. This confirmation includes a "Thank You" message configurable on the Webpost folder.

User/Password Notifications


New User Welcome (with password)

Informs a new user that their account has been created on the system. Includes the account username, and the account password.

New User Welcome (with password link)

Informs a new user that their account has been created on the system. Includes the account username, and a link to where the user can set a password.

Guest Self Registration Welcome

Sent to self-registering guest users when the emailed password option is being used. The notification includes a URL link and a password. It explains that they can sign in and then send the package.

Temp User Self Registration Welcome

Sent to self-registering temporary users who self-register using the reCAPTCHA option. It confirms creation of their new temporary user account.

Temp Self Registration Welcome (with password)

Sent to self-registering temporary users when an emailed password is being used. The notification includes the account username, a password, and a URL link. It explains that a new account has been created and that they can use the link to sign in.

Temp Self Registration Welcome (with password link)

Sent to self-registering temporary users when an emailed password request link is being used. The notification includes the account username and a URL link. It explains that a new account has been created and that they can use the link to begin using the account.

New Password Notification (with password)

Sent to a user informing them that their password has been changed by an administrator, and includes the new password. These messages are only available if the proper Permissions are set in an organization's Password Policy.

New Password Notification (with password link)

Sent to a user informing them that they must change their password, and includes a link to where the user can set the password. These messages are only available if the proper Permissions are set in an organization's Password Policy

Password Change Request Confirmation

Sent to a user who requests a password change from the signon screen (this feature must be turned on for the organization). The link on the email must be used to complete the password change process.

Password Change Request Error

Sent to a user who requests a password change from the signon screen when he has been configured to not allow password change.

New User Password Request Confirmation

Sent to a new user who received a password link notification and sets a password successfully.

New User Password Request Error

Sent to a new user who received a password link notification and sets a password that does not meet the password rules.

Password Expiration Warning

Sent to a user informing them that their password expiration time is approaching. Users still have time to log on and change their password before their account is locked out.

Password Expiration

Sent to a user informing them that their password expiration time has run out. Users are directed to their administrator for reinstatement.

User Account Expiration Warning

Sent to a user informing them that their account expiration time is approaching. Account expiration can be based on inactivity, a fixed number of signons, or a specific date. For more information about creating and assigning expiration policies, see the Feature Focus - Expiration Policies page.

User Account Expiration

Sent to a user informing them that their account has expired and is no longer accessible.

Administrator Notifications


Admin User Expired Notice

Administrator alerts inform interested administrators of various important user events in an organization. This notification tells Admins when a user is inactivated because of expiration policy. The notification happens when a user attempts to signon but is found to have been expired. The Admin has the option of reactivating the user.

Admin User Locked Out Notice

Sent to Admins when a user is locked out for signon violations.

Admin User Expired List

Sent to Admins during the overnight processing when a group of users is marked as expired, or notified of impending expiration.

Admin User Password Notice

Sent to Admins during the overnight processing when a group of users is marked as inactive, or warned, because of password expiration, or impending expiration. If users are allowed to change their own password by configuration option, the user notification goes out at the same time.

Admin IP Lockout Notice

Sent to Admins when an IP address is locked out for attempted signon violations.

Admin User Counts Notice

Sent to Admins when the number of users is approaching the licensed or configured maximums.

Summary File Notifications - TEXT


File Upload List Notification TEXT

This and the following templates are for bulk notification of file events. The first three are used for TEXT format notification and the last three for HTML format. This notification is sent to users with Notify rights to the uploaded file's parent folder, informing them of the arrival of new files. It is a delayed batch message listing all the files that have arrived within a configurable time frame.

File Upload List Confirmation TEXT

This is the corresponding batch notification listing all files uploaded by a user within a configurable time frame.

File Not Downloaded List TEXT

This batch notification list files for which a configurable time frame has expired without anyone downloading the files.

Summary File Notifications - HTML


File Upload List Notification HTML

These next three templates are the HTML format versions. While the TEXT versions list each folder and the newly uploaded files in each folder as a block of text information, the HTML notifications use an HTML table format for the list. This notification lists all the files that have arrived for an interested user within the time frame.

File Upload List Confirmation HTML

This HTML message is the corresponding batch notification confirming all files uploaded by a user within a configurable time frame.

File Not Downloaded List HTML

This HTML batch notification is returned to a user who uploaded files for which a configurable time frame has expired without anyone downloading them.