The Go To Folder box (typically located in a colored box on the left side of the screen) lets you quickly jump to your favorite folders. If you have a home or default folder defined, and have permissions to that folder, it will automatically be pre-selected here.
When the Go To button is pressed, a view of the selected folder (including a list of any subfolders and files, if applicable) will be displayed.
Note that this list shortens the full paths of folders and long folder names as well. In the example above, the drop-down list represents the following full folder tree:
Home/Bill Barkle
Home/Freddy Masterson
Home/Freddy Masterson/subfolder
Home/Helga Finlayson
Home/John Smith
Home/John Smith/subfolder
If you have access to a large number of folders, the Go To Folder drop-down will not be displayed. Instead, you can type in the first few letters of the folder you are looking for into the Find File/Folder box.