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Edit Default Home Folder Path

This setting determines how user home folders will be named. When set to [FULLNAME], a newly created user's home folder name will match the new user's full name (for example, John Smith). When set to [USERNAME], the home folder name will match the new user's username (for example, jsmith). When set to [USERID], the home folder name will match the user's autogenerated userid

This setting will also affect home folder renaming when a user's full name or username is changed. If a user's full name or username is changed while this setting is set to the equivalent value, the user making the change will be prompted to also change the name of the home folder to match the new full name or username.

Default Sort Order

This setting determines the default order in which files and subfolders will be sorted when displayed in folder contents lists. The admin can select from many different items of information, such as Upload IP Address and Size/Contents, but the two most common are Name and Created. The available options are:

Hint: Many more folder properties are configured through the Folder Settings links available from each folder.