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Sync Client

MOVEit Sync is a Windows application that can synchronize files in a local folder with a folder on the MOVEit Server. Users can set any local folder to be their Local Sync Folder. The Local Sync Folder supports normal Windows file operations, such as add, modify, delete, rename, copy, and move. Users can set the Remote Sync Folder to be any MOVEit folder to which they have access. (See the notes below on Setting Up Sync Folders and Permissions). When the Sync process runs it will update the two folders so they both contain the same set of files and folders.

You can set up MOVEit Sync to provide the following capabilities to your end users:


The Sync client has the following requirements:

Like other MOVEit clients, Sync provides support for English, German, French, and Spanish language versions.

Client Installation and Deployment

You can roll out the Sync client to registered users in two ways:

Note: A separate license is not required for the Sync client.

View or print the Ipswitch Client Installation Guide (PDF).

The Ipswitch Client Installer can install Sync and the Outlook Plug-in.

The user will need to complete the configuration by entering their MOVEit server information, local Sync folder, and remote Sync folder (their MOVEit folder).

Setting Up the MOVEit Connection

After a silent install or a standard install where the server has not yet been configured, the settings needed to connect to a MOVEit server are configured in the MOVEit Connector (system tray) > Configuration > MOVEit Sync dialog. These settings are described for the end user in the Sync help.

This information is already populated if the user configures the server during the standard install, or after an upgrade where the data stores are retained.

Setting Up the Sync Folders and Permissions

The folder settings are configured in the MOVEit Connector (system tray) > Configuration > MOVEit Sync > Sync options dialog. These settings are described for the end user in the Sync help.

Note: There are two restrictions on the Sync capabilities: The total size of files in the Sync folder must be less than 1 Gb; the total number of files in the Sync folder must be less than 100.

The Remote Sync folder should have the Allow File Overwrite setting set to No, which is the default setting on MOVEit folders. Sync will overwrite files in the Sync folder (even though the setting is No).

The different Sync user scenarios mentioned at the beginning of the topic are deployed by setting permissions and access to the MOVEit folder and its subfolders.

When a user wants to sync a local folder with their MOVEit folder, so they can have a backup of certain files, you should provide all permissions to the MOVEit folder: List, Read, Write, Delete, Subs.

When you are setting up a shared remote Sync folder on MOVEit, we recommend that each user have their own individual non-shared Sync folder and you set up a virtual sub-folder within the user folder that points to the shared folder. In this case, if a Sync user deletes the virtual folder it does not delete the underlying real folder. Also, adding a sub-folder locally does not convey additional permissions to other users.

Note: When setting the remote Sync folder, the user can browse to select from their MOVEit folders. A virtual folder that is empty will not appear in the browse list. The path to the virtual folder can be entered manually.

Note: When you create a sub-folder in MOVEit, the default behavior is that the sub-folder inherits the permissions of the parent folder. When a Sync client user renames or moves a folder, Sync does an "add" to the new location, and a "delete" from the old location. This means that any custom permissions on the folder may be lost as the new folder takes on the permissions of the parent folder.

If you want to make the permissions and access settings different for each user, the setup requires more consideration. You should remove "Subs" permission from the shared folder for all users. Users will be unable to delete the shared virtual sub-folder and will also be unable to create new sub-folders.

You may also want some users to have access to only the top-level folder, or to certain sub-folders; or you may want to restrict delete or upload permissions. Here are some examples:

See Notes on the Sync Process and Known Issues below for important notes on folder settings and user access.

Error messages

The Sync client will display error messages for the following types of problems:

You, the MOVEit administrator, can change permissions on the MOVEit folders; Sync users cannot.

Notes on the Sync Process and Known Issues