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FTP - Supported Commands

MOVEit DMZ FTP supports the following FTP commands:



USER username

Indicates the MOVEit username to be checked in the MOVEit user database.

PASS password

Indicates the MOVEit password to be checked in the MOVEit user database.

AUTH type

Starts secure communication for the specified security type: TLS-C or TLS-P.


Returns the feature set supported, specifically AUTH, PROT and PBSZ.

PROT type

Sets the data connection protection type. For TLS-C security, the PROT P command is required to enable security on the data channel.

PBSZ size

Sets the protection buffer size for encryption. Included for compatibility; the size is never checked.

CLNT name version

Sets the FTP client name and version for logging purposes.


Obtains a directory listing, with date, size, and filename in a format compatible with Microsoft's FTP server. Any command arguments beginning with "-" are ignored.


Obtains a bare directory listing.


Downloads a file, first checking that the current user has read access to the file. The fileID can be a complete file name, including an embedded fileID. MOVEit DMZ FTP will extract the fileID. When unique file names are enforced for a folder, the filename can be used in place of the ID.

STOR filename

Uploads a file. MOVEit will create a new fileID and return it in the 226 response.

APPE filename

Appends a file. This is only supported for resuming file transfers. MOVEit will create a new fileID, copy the old partial file and append new data, and return it in the 226 response.

CD ~

Changes current directory to the user's default (not home) directory.

CWD directory

Changes current directory. See below.

MKD directory

Creates a directory, if the user has permission to do so.

RMD directory

Deletes a directory, if the user has permission to do so.


Deletes the file, if the user has permission to delete it.

RNTO filename

Changes the original file name associated with a file ID, if the user has permission to modify it.

REST skipcount

Sets the byte skip count for a subsequent RETR or STOR command. For RETR, MOVEit will skip the first "skipcount" number of bytes in the downloaded file. For STOR, MOVEit will copy the first "skipcount" number of bytes from the destination file to a new file then append the transmitted bytes.

SIZE filename

Reports the size in bytes of the named file, the same number returned in a directory list.

MODE type

Sets the mode in which data is to be transferred via the data connection, S for Stream Mode, and Z for Zip compression mode.


Reports the system type. The returned string indicates compatibility with the Microsoft Windows FTP server.


Displays a list of commands.


Initiates an active data connection. If configured to allow only passive connections, this is refused.


Initiates a passive connection. This is used by some FTP clients to accommodate firewalls that do not allow an FTP server to initiate TCP data connections.


Quits the session.


If enabled, the Cleartext Command Channel command switches the command channel from encrypted to cleartext. See the "Allow CCC" configuration option.


Returns brief information to properly authorized users about the FTP server including name, version and local time.

MOVEit DMZ FTP supports the following commands for the purposes of integrity checking:




Enables integrity checking on STOR and RETR. For type L, use "lump mode" data stream which compresses data on the fly and include a SHA1 hash of the file for integrity verification. For type H, "hash mode", the data stream is standard, and the client is responsible for checking the SHA1 hash for integrity verification. Type N turns integrity checking off.

XSHA1 filename

Returns the SHA1 hash of the file named, usually the most recently transferred file.


Notifies DMZ FTP, after a STOR or RETR, that the client has verified the file SHA1 hash and that it has matched (or not matched) the one passed in the data stream in lump mode, or returned by the XSHA1 command.

MOVEit DMZ FTP supports the following special command for changing a user's password:



CHGPW oldpass newpass newpass


Sends a password change request to MOVEit DMZ for the logged on user. The old password is rechecked and the new passwords must match and meet strength requirements for the site.

MOVEit DMZ FTP supports the following commands in a nontraditional way:




Implements the ascii and binary commands. Not supported; all transfers are binary. (In other words, MOVEit DMZ does not automatically add/strip carriage returns or perform other character manipulation.) If this is a concern, contact MOVEit Support (

MOVEit DMZ FTP does not support the following commands:

Unsupported Commands: ACCT, SMNT, REIN, STOU, ALLO, ABOR, SITE