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Bug Fixes



An authentication bypass bug was detected. This issue is fixed.


In previous releases, when the log archiving was unchecked the XML continue to build. This issue is fixed.


You can perform an unattended installation with an existing user account. 

In previous releases, the unattended installation worked only when a new account was created during the unattended installation.


When you send a message to multiple users, but one or more users are inactive or expired, the package is sent to all valid users. The admin account receives a Non-Delivery Alert message that lists the inactive/expired users who did not receive the package.

In previous releases, if the recipient list contained inactive or expired users, the package was not sent to any users.


The following new optional registry values control the operation of ArchiveLog. All are string values that reside under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Standard Networks\siLock 
ArchiveLogBatchSize The number of records to bundle together into a single log archive file, or batch. Default is 10000 (used if this value is not present). Smaller values might reduce the performance impact of running ArchiveLog. 
ArchiveLogBatchPauseMS The number of milliseconds to pause between batches. Default is 1000. Larger values might reduce the performance impact of running ArchiveLog. 
ArchiveLogTableName The name of the log table. The default is "log". This rarely-used registry value can be of use to advanced sites that have split their log table into multiple tables, and are doing maintenance on older records.

MIDMZ-7991, MIDMZ-7749

When you receive a notification email and click the hyperlink to open the sign-on page, the default account name appears correctly in the Username field.

In previous releases, if the hyperlink in a notification email was not secure (that is, the URL used http:// ), the at symbol (@) in account names was incorrectly replaced with a percent sign (%).


MOVEit Transfer now correctly handles SAML identity providers that provide multiple signing certificates (multiple IdP certificate support). The handling of certificate expiration, renewal, and replacement has been improved.

In previous releases, MOVEit Transfer did not correctly handle SAML identity providers that provided multiple signing certificates in their metadata files.


Temp users are not permitted access to folders and do not have a Folder link on their pages. If you add a Temp user to a group that has folder access, the Temp user does not inherit the folder access permissions from the group, and cannot access via URL any folders for which the group has permission.

In previous releases, if you added a Temp user to a group that has access permissions to a folder, the Temp user could access folder contents via a URL that pointed to the folder.


In previous releases, there was a memory leak in WLDAP32.dll. This issue is fixed.


When a guest user replies to a package, the subject and body are prepopulated (as expected). After the guest user uploads an attachment, the prepopulated content now remains in the subject and body fields.

In previous releases, the subject and body fields were erroneously cleared after attachments were uploaded.


Existing SAML signing and encryption certificates support SHA256.

In previous releases, existing SAML signing and encryption certificates did not support SHA256, resulting in an exception.


If your organization uses lookup plus LDAP authorization, you can sign on successfully even if you click the sign-on button more than one time.

In previous releases, clicking the sign-on button multiple times caused the sign-on attempt to fail.


This issue pertains to users who are authenticated via SSO.

You can now successfully upload a file to an ad-hoc package, even if after the upload finishes you wait 20 minutes or more before you click OK in the wizard.

In previous releases, the process timed out if you did not click OK within 20 minutes after the upload finished.


The COM API FileCopy function works correctly.

In previous releases, the system reported a failure after 60 seconds, even if the copy action was subsequently successful.


SQL queries and error traces in report output and error messages are not visible to end users.

SysAdmins can allow or disallow SQL queries in report output and error messages to be visible to administrators. (SETTINGS > System > Miscellaneous > Reports.)


If duplicate LoginName and GroupName values exist within a single organization, the SyncLDAP .exe module writes these duplicates to the error log, and skips the synchronization for that organization.

In previous releases, duplicate values caused Sync LDAP to generate the error "An item with the same key has already been added." The sync then failed.


You can now configure and reorder SSH key exchange (KEX) algorithms by using the DMZ Config utility SSH Ciphers tab.


Comma characters (,) in SSL Certs common names are now handled correctly so that the cert is accepted.

In previous releases, if the common name contained a comma, errors prevented the cert from being accepted, causing the FTP service to use the default server certificate instead.


SSO configuration now supports SHA-256 for hashing in XML signatures.


When loading an IdP metadata file, MOVEit Transfer now correctly identifies the X509 key information from the file.

In previous releases, MOVEit Transfer could sometimes not locate the X509 key information in the file. An exception occurred, and the metadata file was not imported.


When authenticating with an Authentication Only source, Template settings in Edit LDAP User Settings for the Auth Source are correctly applied only to new users whose accounts are created when the user signs on.

In previous releases, the Template settings were applied to both new and existing users, which caused the FullName of the existing users to be overwritten by their Username.


When many files arrive in a user's folder on which notify is enabled, the list of new files now spans multiple pages in the folder as needed.

In previous releases,when a large number of files arrived at the same time in a user's folder, the system's attempts to display the files caused a SystemOutOfMemoryException and/or a long-running database query.


In the Address Book, you can now search for users whose names contain underscores (_).

In previous releases, the search failed if the name contained an underscore.


The performance for tamper evident logging was improved.

In previous releases, tamper evident logging on systems that had high load significantly impacted performance.


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