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Display Profiles

Display Profiles allow administrators to fine tune the look and feel of the web interface for their organization on a MOVEit Transfer server. A display profile consists of a name and a set of options. Administrators can assign a display profile to a class of user (Ad Hoc Transfer Only, Guest/Anonymous User, Power User, Temporary User, User) or to individual groups, in which case the group members would be assigned the display profile. When a user with an assigned display profile signs on to the MOVEit Transfer web interface, the page contains the items specified by that display profile.

Note: The Guest/Anonymous profile controls what is shown on the Sign on page to unauthenticated users. Those display profile options that do not affect the Sign on page are ignored.

Display Profiles Setting Page

The Display Profiles setting page consists of two parts. The first part, titled Edit User Class Display Profiles, allows the administrator to assign various display profiles to each of the four available user classes. By default, the class name profile is selected for each user class. Existing display profiles can be selected for each user class in that class' dropdown menu. Clicking Update Profiles will make the display profile assignment changes.

Embedded OLE File Template, D75, H100

The second part, titled Display Profiles, lists the display profiles available in the organization. Each profile may be edited or deleted, and new profiles may be added. The settings in the Default Profile can be seen on the Add New Profile page. The page starts out with the default profile options selected. The default profile options cannot be changed.

Note: If a display profile that is currently assigned to one or more user classes is deleted, those user classes will be reset to use the Default Profile.

Display Profile Options

Each display profile must have a name. This is the name that is listed in both sections of the Display Profiles setting page. A name for a new display profile should be selected to convey the allowances and restrictions of the given profile. Names such as Messaging Only Profile, or Advanced Views By Default are good choices. Names such as Profile 1, or User Profile are less desirable. The profile name can be changed after creation without affecting the users assigned to that profile.

Embedded OLE File Template, D75, H100

There are six sections of options available in a display profile.

Home Page Options

These options control what items the user sees on their Home Page. This is normally the first page a user sees when they sign on to the MOVEit Transfer system.

Account Options

These options deal with the links users are allowed to see regarding the changing of their account options, which include email address and account password.

Global Navigation

These options control the links and sections a user sees in the left-hand navigation section of the web interface.

File List Options

These options control what is shown in the various file lists available to the user, as well as which file lists are shown by default.

Package List Options

These options control what is shown in the various package lists available to the user, as well as which package lists are shown by default. When the Ad Hoc Transfer feature is disabled, these options have no effect.

Package Composition Options

These options control what is shown in the New Package page, where a user can compose and send a package. When the Ad Hoc Transfer feature is disabled, these options have no effect.