The New Packages section lists your unread packages.
If you have access to the shared mailbox of another MOVEit user, the page contains a My New Packages section, followed by New Packages for each mailbox shared with you.
Or in the Package Mailboxes section, click View All Mailboxes.
You can also click View All Mailboxes. Mailboxes that contain new packages are bold and show a count under the New Packages column.
After you open a mailbox, new packages appear in bold next to a new package icon .
New Package Notifications
You might receive an email notification when you (or a mailbox that is shared with you) receive a new package. Click (or copy into your browser) the link provided in the email. Sign on to MOVEit with your username and password (registered users) or with the credentials provided by email (unregistered users) to view the package and download any attached files. If enabled, you can also reply to a package and send additional attachments, which will also be uploaded to the file transfer server. The organization administrator sets options that determine who can send and receive packages, enforces user- and package-level quotas, and controls package expiration and download limits.
Click on a package subject to read the package.
Package Contents
The package header contains information such as the Recipient(s), the Sender, the Subject, and the current Mailbox. For packages that you sent, the header contains the package's Read Status, and a Recall option.
Below that, the note (message body) is shown, followed by a list of file attachments, if there are any.
Buttons and links display actions that can be performed on the current package. The actions available on your package depend on how your organization is set up.
Download a File Attachment
A Download button is provided on the package page, and the file details page.
If the MOVEit Upload/Download Wizard is not installed, your browser downloads the selected file per usual browser conventions.
If the MOVEit Upload/Download Wizard is enabled, the steps you take to download the file depend on the type of wizard enabled:
JavaScript Wizard
The JavaScript Wizard does not check download integrity automatically. When you download a file, a Downloads window opens. After the file finishes downloading, optionally click Check. Locate and select the downloaded file. A green checkmark indicates that the integrity check succeeded. A red X indicates a failed integrity check.
You can also perform integrity checks on Recent Downloads from your Home page, if enabled.
ActiveX or Java Wizard
Click Open or Save.
The file is downloaded. The wizard performs an integrity check.
File Details
Click an attachment name to view information about the file. File data might include:
Content Scanning
If Content Scanning is enabled, a note might identify whether the file was scanned for viruses and/or for data loss prevention (DLP). With DLP, file names and the Notes field (associated with an upload) are also scanned for data policy violations.