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Macros for Custom Notifications


Custom Notifications use a special macro language to embed into the text helpful hints about how to modify the content for display. There are three types of macros, ones that are simple insertions of data fields, ones that change the appearance, such as bold face, and ones that provide a control structure for conditions and loops. Each group of macros are listed below.

Most of the macros that change appearance or establish controls automatically expire at the end of a paragraph, indicated by a blank line in the text. So, for example, if you use an [i] to start italic text, it reverts back to standard text at the next paragraph. In this case, a closing [/i] macro is optional.

A Note about Usernames

Starting in version 5.5, Usernames have been changed to be unique User IDs, separate from the actual User login names used to sign onto MOVEit Transfer. A new LoginName field has been added to the user table. For compatibility, upgrades to version 5.5 will copy the Username to the LoginName for existing users. All new users will be created with a Username that is built from the first 8 characters of the LoginName and 8 random alphanumeric characters to make a unique User ID. For custom notifications, in the table below, references to the [Username] or [xxxx/Username] or [MyUsername] fields will return the unique User ID, and [UserLoginName] or [xxxx/LoginName] or [MyLoginName] will return the actual login.

Appearance Macros




Start and end italic text.


Start and end bold text.


Insert a horizontal rule.


Insert a line break.


Paragraph - force a blank line in HTML or text.


Establish (and ends) a text change. Classes are based on the organization style-sheet. Some classes that are used are:

[class=textbig] - Larger than average size text

[class=textsmall] - Normal text size

[class=texttiny] - Smaller than normal text

[class=listrow1] - Text with a shaded background

[class=listrow2] - Darker shaded background


Establish (and ends) a style change.

Control Macros




Include the following text if field "xxxxx" has a value equal to y (or not equal to y). You may choose among a number of cases by a series of [if] macros.


Use the [and] macro to logically combine two or more [if] statements with an "and" boolean operator. Example: [IfMyValue=1][and][IfYourValue=1]... [/If]


Use the [or] macro to logically combine two or more [if] statements with an "or" boolean operator. Example: [IfMyValue=1][or][IfYourValue=1]... [/If]


Use the [wrap] macro directly before an [if] if you want to nest additional [if] macros within the "wrapped" [if]. Example: [Wrap][IfMyValue!=1]... [IfMyValue=2]... [/If]... [/Wrap]


Include the following text if no other previous [if] applies.


Ends the conditional [if] within a paragraph. If there is no [/if] the condition ends at the end of the paragraph.


Creates a loop through each element of a list. For example, to list all attachments to a package within the New Package Notification (corresponding to the [Attachment/Name] macro), you would enter:


In this example, immediately following [ForEach, enter the parent element of the list then terminate with the ].The parent is what precedes the forward-slash in the macro; for example in the Attachment/Name macro, the parent is "Attachment." Inside your ForEach loop, specify the child element(s) without the preceding parent and forward slash.


Ends the loop [ForEachxxx] or else it expires at the end of a paragraph.


Creates a URL link within an HTML-formatted notification. Between the beginning and ending tags are two parts. Everything following the [URL] start up to a SPACE character is the hyperlink. Everything after the SPACE up to the closing [/URL] is the linked text.


Shortcut URL macros that contain all the hyperlink information to create each of the commonly used links within the standard templates..

[table xxx]

Starts (and ends) an HTML table. This and the following formats are only used in the three HTML-format bulk file notifications. Attributes "xxx" following the table tag are included.

[tr xxx]

Starts a table row, passing the "xxx" attributes.

[td xxx]

Starts a table column, passing the "xxx" attributes..


Starts a data row (with alternate background shading).

Field Macros

Field macros are used to insert run-time variables into the text of emails. Each template has its own set of field macros that are available to it. There is also a group of common field macros available in all templates.

Common to all templates




Flags from the Items Displayed settings: Basic File Information


Comment Field


Non-repudiation Messages


Direct Fileview Link




Prefill User Login


Organization Tech contact name


Organization Tech contact phone


Organization Tech contact


Organization Signature with [ORGNAME] replaced


The Organization Base URL for constructing HTTP links

New File Upload Notification
File Upload Confirmation




Name of the Organization


User ID who uploaded the file


Login name of the user who uploaded the file


Real name of the user who uploaded the file


Email of the user who uploaded the file


File name that was uploaded


Comment associated with the file when uploaded


File Tracking ID


ID of the folder containing the file


Name of the folder containing the file


Full path of the folder containing the file


Size of the file


FileSize with commas added for easier reading


ID number of the Organization


The browser or program that uploaded the file, name plus version


1=File was uploaded with integrity, 0=Not


MOVEit Wizard or Org-configured wizard name


User ID to whom we are sending the email


User Login to whom we are sending the email


HTTP link for viewing the folder on MOVEit Transfer


HTTP link for viewing the file on MOVEit Transfer


Large file icon


Small Integrity icon if Integrity Checked, or small Exclamation if not


The user-configured scanner name specified in the Content Scanning settings, for example: Anti-Virus


The "name/version/virus-definition" string provided by the content scanner.


If not blank, the name of the DLP violation(s) found when scanning the file.

File Delivery Receipt
File Non-Delivery Receipt




These are all attributes of the file that was delivered (or not.) This is the ID number of the file


Ord ID for the file


Folder ID containing the file


Folder name containing the file


File type (numeric) when file was created.


File type (numeric) for file.


1=File is marked for deletion (or in upload process)


File name as uploaded


HTML displayable file name


File size


User ID that uploaded the file


Login name of user that uploaded the file


Real name of user that uploaded the file


IP address file was uploaded from


Comment associated with the file


Date/Time the file was uploaded


Browser or program name that uploaded the file


Version of the Agent


Number of times the file has been downloaded


1=Indicates a thumbnail file is present


1=Indicates the file was uploaded with integrity checking


1=File was downloaded w/o integrity checking
2=File was deleted without downloading
3=File was downloaded with integrity checking
5=User was deleted before downloading the file


Agent brand and version that uploaded the file


User real name that downloaded the file


User ID that downloaded the file


User login name that downloaded the file


Agent brand and version that downloaded the file


Folder path of the file


Date/Time of download


ID number


Organization name


MOVEit Wizard or Org-configured wizard name


MOVEit Wizard or Org-configured wizard name


HTTP link for viewing the file


Large file icon


Small Integrity icon if both upload and download integrity, or small Exclamation if not


The user-configured scanner name specified in the Content Scanning settings, for example: Anti-Virus


The "name/version/virus-definition" string provided by the content scanner.


If not blank, the name of the DLP violation(s) found when scanning the file

New Package
New Package Secure Attach
New Temp User Package (with password)
New Temp User Package (with password) Secure Attach
New Temp User Package (with password link)
New Temp User Package (with password link) Secure Attach




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User ID of package sender


User login name of package sender


User real name of package sender


Display name of package sender (if sender is a guest user)


Tracking ID of the package


Subject of the package


Tracking ID of parent package (RE:/FW:)


ID number of attachment file (list)


Name of attachment file (list)


User ID of package recipient


User login name of recipient


User real name of recipient


Email of recipient


Email format (1=HTML) for recipient


Permissions (user type) of recipient


Last logon date/time.


Language code for recipient


Large package icon


Number of attachments


If not blank, the name of the DLP violation(s) found when scanning the subject/note of the package


1 = The subjec/note should be suppressed for this recipient

New Package
New Package Secure Attach


HTTP link for viewing the package on MOVEit Transfer

New Temp User Package (with password)
New Temp User Package (with password) Secure Attach


1=Organization allows sending passwords in notifications


Password (decrypted) for new temp user


HTTP link for viewing the package on MOVEit Transfer

New Temp User Package (with password link)
New Temp User Package (with password link) Secure Attach


HTTP link to set password for new temp user account and then immediately take the temp user to the new package.

New Package Secure Attach
New Temp User Package (with password) Secure Attach
New Temp User Package (with password link) Secure Attach


If not blank, the name of the DLP violation(s) found when scanning the file


1=DLP violation in file metadata


File size of the attachment


The Note (body) of the package when "secure the note" is not set

New Guest Package
New Guest Package Secure Attach




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User ID of package sender


User login name of package sender


User real name of package sender


Tracking ID of the package


Subject of the package


Tracking ID of parent package (RE:/FW:)


ID number of attachment file (list)


Name of attachment file (list)


Unique identifier linking to a specific package


1=Include guest user password in the notification


Password for guest access


HTML link for guest access to the package


Large package icon

New Guest Package Secure Attach


If not blank, the name of the DLP violation(s) found when scanning the file


1=DLP violation in file metadata


File size of the attachment


The Note (body) of the package when "secure the note"is not set

Package Password Notification
Guest Self Registration Welcome




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


Hostname of the Organization (obtained from URL)


Tracking ID of the package


Subject of the package


Password for guest access


Large package icon


Unique identifier linking to a specific package to be composed and sent


HTML link for guest sender access to the package

Package Delivery Receipt
Package Download Receipt
Package Deleted By User
Package User Was Deleted




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User ID who sent the package


User login name who sent the package


User real name who sent the package


Tracking ID of the package


Subject of the message


Date/Time of the package


User ID who read/deleted the package


User login name who read/deleted the package


User real name who read/deleted the package


Display name who read/deleted the package (if it was guest user)


Browser or program name and version that downloaded the package


Date/Time of download


HTTP link for viewing the package history on MOVEit Transfer


Large package icon


If not blank, the name of the DLP violation(s) found when scanning the subject/note of the message

Package Delivery Receipt, Package Deleted By User, Package User Was Deleted


1=Package was read
2=Package was deleted before reading
5=User was delete before reading package

Package Download Receipt


ID number of the attachment file that was downloaded


Name of the attachment file that was downloaded


ID number of the folder containing the attachment file that was downloaded


1=DLP violation in file metadata

Package Expiration




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


Tracking ID of the package


User ID that sent the package


User login name that sent the package


User real name that sent the package


Subject of the package


User ID of mailbox owner who did not read package before it expired


User login name of mailbox owner who did not read package before it expired


User real name of mailbox owner who did not read package before it expired


Large package icon

Package Delayed Delivery Receipt TEXT
Package Delayed Delivery Receipt HTML




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User ID who sent the package


User login name who sent the package


User real name who sent the package


HTTP link for viewing the package list on MOVEit Transfer


HTTP link for viewing the attachment list on MOVEit Transfer


Tracking ID of the package


Subject of the package


Date/Time the package was sent


Event type: read or download


Date/Time of the event


User ID of recipient of the package for the event


User real name of recipient of the package for the event


ID number of attachment file for the event


Original filename when uploaded of attachment file for the event


Size of the attachment file for the event


Size - with commas added for easier reading - of the attachment file for the event


Download integrity for the attachment file for the event


1=DLP violation in file metadata

New Webpost Upload Notification
Webpost Confirmation




Folder ID number


Folder name


Folder path




User login name


User real name


User email


User email format


User hist chunk flag


User use custom host permissions flag


User user list length


User file list length


User language


User authentication method


Organization ID


Organization Name


Custom header flag


Organization Message-of-the-day


Name of last user to change the organization message of the day


Timestamp of last change of the organization message of the day


Organization stylesheet ID


Name of organization stylesheet


File of organization stylesheet


Log retention


Org "external" URL


Tech contact info


Default from email address


Security banner


Security notice


Package flag


Skip link enabled flag


GMT Offset display flag


MOVEit display flag


Sysadmin flag


User permissions


Exempt user from password aging


User authentication method


User not allowed to change password


Temporary users allowed


Default sort order


Custom help link


Custom help name


Information link


Information link name


Contact link


Contact link name


Flag for use original uploader


Archive messages flag


Allow address books flag


Allow sending packages to unregistered recipients flag


Allow package attachments flag


Upload wizard brand name


Download wizard brand name


Custom wizard logo flag


Custom wizard zip name


Custom wizard zip name parsed flag


Show language options on signon


User list maximum


Folder list maximum


Flag to allow passwords by email


Flag to allow password change requests


Time to allow for password change request


IP Switching flag


Display layout width


Display layout width unit


Display layout alignment


Display profile


Package signature


Default for package delivery receipts


Shared account flag


Javascript enabled flag


Can send ad hoc transfer packages flag


Can add attachments flag


Can add to address book flag


User is group administrator


Allow username from client cert flag


Default home folder path


Default custom expiration value for packages


Maximum custom expiration value for packages


Default custom attachment download limit value for packages


Maximum custom attachment download limit value for packages


User is allowed to send to unregistered recipients


Data fields contained in webpost


Thank You message for webposts


HTTP link for viewing the webpost folder on MOVEit Transfer


Large file icon

New Webpost Upload Notification


UserID of webpost recipient


User login name of webpost recipient

New User Welcome (with password)
New User Welcome (with password link)
Temp User Self Registration Welcome
Temp Self Registration Welcome (with password)
Temp Self Registration Welcome (with password link)
New Password Notification (with password)
New Password Notification (with password link)




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


Name of host from URL


New User ID


New user login name


New user real name


Initial password for new user


HTTP link for logging onto MOVEit Transfer


Large Info icon

Password Change Confirmation
Password Change Error
New User Password Request Confirmation
New User Password Request Error




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User Login requesting password


Time to allow for password change request


Confirmation code for password change


HTTP link for logging onto MOVEit Transfer with confirmation code


Large Info icon (for confirmation)


Large Warning icon (for error)

Password Expiration Warning
Password Expiration




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


Maximum password time


Password warning time


Password change interval


User ID


User login name


User real name


User ID


User login name


HTTP link for logging onto MOVEit Transfer


Large Info icon

Password Expiration Warning


Number of days until password expires

User Account Expiration Warning
User Account Expiration




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User ID


User login name


User real name


Current time


Current date


Large Info icon

User Account Expiration Warning


Number of days in advance to warn user about account expiration

User Account Expiration


0=Expire X days after creation
1=Expire X days after last activity (signon)
7=Expire after X successful signons
8=Expire on a given date

Admin User Expired Notice
Admin User Locked Out Notice




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User ID that was expired


User login name that was expired


User real name that was expired


Current time


Current date


User ID of Admin


User Login of Admin


HTTP link for viewing user on MOVEit Transfer


Large Info icon

Admin User Expired Notice


Time before expired user deleted from system

Admin User Locked Out Notice


Time before locked out user automatically reinstated

Admin User Expired List




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User ID that was expired (list)


User login name that was expired (list)


User real name that was expired (list)


User type (enduser/group admin) that was expired (list)


10=Deleted, 20=Warned (list)


0=Expire X days after creation
1=Expire X days after last activity (signon)
7=Expire after X successful signons
8=Expire on a given date


notify + expiration)


Large Info icon

Admin User Password Notice




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


Maximum password time


Password warning time


Password change interval


User ID (list)


User login name (list)


User real name (list)


User was 0=Suspended, 1=Warned


User ID of Admin


User Login of Admin


User real name of Admin


Large Info icon

Admin IP Lockout Notice




ID number of the Organization


Locked IP address


Reverse DNS lookup of locked IP


Current time


Current date


IP Lockout expiration time


User ID of Admin


User Login of Admin


HTTP link for viewing IP lockouts on MOVEit Transfer


Large Info icon

Admin User Counts Notice


User real name of Admin


User, End User, Temp User


Current value (user count)


System or Organization


The limit that it is within 10% of

File Upload List Notification TEXT/HTML
File Upload List Confirmation TEXT/HTML
File Not Downloaded List TEXT/HTML




ID number of the Organization


Name of the Organization


User ID of email recipient


User Login of email recipient


Count of new files


Folder ID (list)


Folder Path


File ID (list)


File Original file name (or WebPost) (list)


File Original uploader Real Name (or Anonymous if WebPost) (list)


File size (list)


File size with commas (list)


File upload timestamp (list)


File upload comment (list)


File upload integrity flag (list)


File upload Folder ID (list)


File upload Folder Path (list)


For TEXT versions HTTP link for viewing file on MOVEit Transfer


For HTML versions HTTP link for viewing folder on MOVEit Transfer


For HTML versions HTTP link for viewing file on MOVEit Transfer


Large File icon (All icons for HTML versions)


Small Folder icon


Small File icon


Small Integrity icon


The user-configured scanner name specified in the Content Scanning settings, for example: Anti-Virus


The "name/version/virus-definition" string provided by the content scanner.


If not blank, the name of the DLP violation(s) found when scanning the file