The group profile allows Admins to change the membership list of the group, as well as the name and description, and several other group-level settings. (Name changes are harmless because groups are tracked internally using a separate ID.) The following sections are currently available on this page:
Click GROUPS. Click the group name. In the Edit General Information section, make your changes and click Change Group Information.
All characters in the ISO-Latin-1 (ISO/IEC 8859-1) set are allowed in group names.
Do not begin a group name with the at sign ( @ ) or exclamation point ( ! )
Group Admins
Administrators and authorized GroupAdmins can designate certain members of the group as GroupAdmins. For more information, see GroupAdmins.
Limited Members are subordinate users that typically have only a few of the group attributes, such as being visible in the address books of full group Members.
Group Members and External Authentication
II the External Authentication feature has been enabled, MOVEit Transfer can automatically replicate some or all of its user group membership information from an associated LDAP server. As a result, members might be added or removed from the group without explicit actions by the administrator. External Authentication synchronization actions will be logged in the audit trail
Click GROUPS and click the group name. In the Add or Remove Members section, click one of the following links.
Click GROUPS. Click a group name. the group profile page opens. In the Edit GroupAdmin Settings section, make your selections and click Change GroupAdmin Settings.
These settings determine the authority that GroupAdmins of this group have over group members.
If this option, or the Change Passwords of Existing Group Members option is enabled, GroupAdmins can change the security status of end user group members as well.
Enable this option if you want GroupAdmins to be able to see and control who the group's full time end users are communicating with.
A value of 0 KB or 0 MB indicates there is no restriction on the GroupAdmin's ability to set end user member file quotas.
A value of 0 KB or 0 MB indicates there is no restriction on the GroupAdmin's ability to set end user member ad hoc quotas.
A value of 0 KB or 0 MB indicates there is no restriction on the GroupAdmin's ability to set end user member attachment quotas in effect.
These settings determine the privileges conferred on members of this group. The settings available here depend on the organization-level settings set by the administrator in SETTINGS > Ad Hoc Transfer > Access > Registered Senders, Unregistered Recipients, and Unregistered Senders. For more information, see Ad Hoc Transfer.
This setting is available only when the organization-level Registered Users setting is set to Members of groups that grant Ad Hoc Transfer access.
Select this option if you want all members of a group to be able to communicate with any temporary user that is created for an Ad Hoc Transfer with any other normal group member.
Note: Temporary users created as an unregistered recipient of, or unregistered sender to, a normal member, are always listed in the address book of that one member. This option determines that they are also included in the address books of the other group members.
Example: Group A has three registered users: Member 1, Member 2 and Member 3. Member 1 sends a package to Temp 1. If this option is selected, Temp 1 is listed in the address books of Member 2 and Member 3, as well as in Member 1's address book..
Similarly, if Temp 2 self-registers to send a package to Member 2, Temp 2 is listed in the address books of Member 1 and Member 3, as well as that of Member 2.
With this option not selected, Temp 1 would only appear in Member 1's address book, and Temp 2 would only appear in Member 2's address book.) Select this option if all members of a group should be able to communicate with any temporary user that is created for an Ad Hoc Transfer with any normal group member.
Creates the look and feel of the web interface for GroupAdmins and regular members of this group.
When set to None, the associated members use the display profile configured for their user class. If a user is a member of more than one group, each with its own selected display profile, the user uses a display profile that combines the settings of the individual display profiles that would normally apply to the user
Note: User Class display profiles are set by the admin for the organization in SETTINGS > Appearance > Display > Display Profiles
This section lists the folder permissions that have been explicitly assigned to this group. To add, delete or change these permissions, follow the links to the folders and use the change permission links on the various folders.
Note: For users and groups to be listed, Ad Hoc Transfer must be enabled for the MOVEit Transfer system.
To remove a user or group from the address book, click the X icon.
To add a user or group to the address book: Make selections in Select User or Group. Use Ctrl+Click to select multiple items. Select any of the options:
Tip: To permit all members of a group to send packages to all other members of their group, add the group to its own address book and select the Allow Packages to Individual Members of Group(s) option.
The Select Notification field llsts existing custom notifications that were created in SETTINGS > Appearance > Notification > Custom. For more information, see Custom Notifications.
Edit Custom Notification. This link opens the SETTINGS > Appearance > Notification > Custom > Edit Custom Email Notifications... page
A group announcement appears in the Announcements section of the Home page of all members of the group. If a user is a member of multiple groups that have configured group announcements, all associated announcements appear.
Images must be in .GIF format and less than 100,000 bytes. Recommended width is 340 to 620 pixels. 580 pixels is ideal with an 800-pixel organization logo.
The logo is placed at the top of the content section of the MOVEit Transfer web page for all members of the group. If a user is a member of multiple groups that have configured group logos, all associated logos appear.