To sign on using multi-factor authentication you must provide a second factor of identification to verify your sign on is genuine.
MOVEit Transfer asks for multi-factor authentication when:
These instructions guide you through the multi-factor authentication setup process.
Multi-factor authentication protects MOVEit Transfer accounts from unverified users when a user's account password is lost, stolen, or compromised. To verify user identity, MOVEit Transfer gives users private access to a uniquely-generated verification code (made available to the user by email or mobile app). This additional verification step ensures user sign on is genuine. Before you begin, you will need either a personal email account or a smartphone. Either can serve as an additional identification source.
Note: SAML session users are not prompted for additional verification methods associated with multi-factor authentication. When enabled, you must pair an additional authentication factor with your MOVEit Transfer account. |
Use Your Smartphone or Mobile Device...
If you opt to verify your identity using your smartphone or mobile device, you will need an authenticator app on that device. Supported Authenticator Apps MOVEit Transfer works with authenticator apps such as Google Authenticator, which is available from most app stores including iTunes and Google Play. After you install and open your authenticator, you will need to Scan the QR Code. Tip: MOVEit Transfer is compatible with authenticator applications like Google Authenticator that implement RFC 6238 (Time-Based One-Time Password) and RFC 4226 (HMAC-Based One-Time Passwords).
When you generate a temporary PIN using the QR code, it is like sharing a secret about your account that only you and MOVEit Transfer know. The QR code (or, alternatively the text key) is used to spawn a temporary PIN for you. Before you begin, If you opt to verify your identity using your smartphone or mobile device, you will need an authenticator app on that device. Supported Authenticator Apps MOVEit Transfer works with authenticator apps such as Google Authenticator, which is available from most app stores including iTunes and Google Play. After you install and open your authenticator, you will need to Scan the QR Code. Tip: MOVEit Transfer is compatible with authenticator applications like Google Authenticator that implement RFC 6238 (Time-Based One-Time Password) and RFC 4226 (HMAC-Based One-Time Passwords).
Use the Text String Key (Can't Scan the Code)If your smartphone is low on charge or its camera does not work, you can share the shared secret with the authenticator app as a string of characters.
Or, Use Your Email Account
Step 1: Get the Initial Verification CodeThere are two scenarios where MOVEit Transfer will prompt you to check your email account for a verification code:
Step 2: Provide the Code Back to MOVEit Transfer (one of the following)Scenario 1: User Opts In. When you opt in to use email as a factor, MOVEit Transfer sends you an initial email to verify your account directly. Scenario 2: Email as a Factor is Site Policy. If a MOVEit Transfer administrator requires email as a second method of identity verification, MOVEit Transfer sends you an email to verify your account. The email is sent at your first sign-in attempt after the site policy is implemented.
To edit the email address where you receive notifications:
At sign in, provide your temporary verification code generated from the authenticator app installed on your smartphone or mobile device. Smartphone or Mobile App
Note: If your smart phone or mobile device is without power or unavailable, you can verify your identity using your MOVEit Transfer-registered email account. At sign in, provide your temporary verification code sent to your secure email address.
If you have problems signing on you can: