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What's New for 2018

The following features were added to MOVEit Transfer for the 2018 release:

Note For details on upgrade/installer performance improvements, see the MOVEit Transfer Installation Guide.

Secure Folder Sharing and User Collaboration

Admins enable regular users to share home folders and subfolders with other users and admins.

Secure Folder Sharing for User-Controlled and User-Selected Subfolders


Increased Autonomy for Regular Users

Admins can opt to install a Secure Folder License and then extend folder sharing authority to all or select MOVEit Transfer users.

Extend user's permissions to include folder sharing

MOVEit Client

MOVEit Client provides users a quick way to access files, including:

MOVEit Client (client installed on Windows shown)

TransferTip MOVEit Client works on Windows and macOS and is available for free download. The downloadable version is currently available in English.

MOVEit Transfer RESTful Integration and Management API

The REST API enables you to develop, integrate, and deploy secure file transfer and management applications.

Getting the documentation

You can get the following RESTful Integration and Management API documentation:

MOVEit Transfer REST API Endpoints


This REST Endpoint

Provides these resources


Get/renew a session token using MOVEit Transfer user credentials.


User management actions, roles, home folders, and other user properties.


Folders, folder actions, folder contents and folder properties.


File management actions and file properties.


Live Swagger UI interactive documentation (MOVEit Transfer installation required).

Interactive REST API Client

Swagger UI libraries integrated with MOVEit Transfer at install enable you to:

To open the interactive MOVEit Transfer REST client:

  1. Open a browser to https://my-transfer-host/swagger/

    —Where my-transfer-host is the host where you installed MOVEit Transfer

  2. Browse and build queries and view JSON result objects.


TransferTip For tips on how to get started with the MOVEit Transfer REST API, see the guide on the Ipswitch Documentation site.

Secure SMTP Configuration

MOVEit Transfer Configuration Utility now provides simple configuration controls to enable SSL/TLS for SMTP sessions.

Configurable Fields for SMTP over SSL/TLS

Security and Usability-related Updates