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Database - Migrating to Azure SQL

In addition to SQL Server and MySQL Server, you can now configure MOVEit Transfer to use Azure SQL as its database server. This topic provides instructions on how to take an existing MOVEit Transfer SQL Server database and deploy it as an Azure SQL Database.

important Important: Your application server ( MOVEit Transfer Server) and database need to be configured for the same timezone. You can reveal the configured timezone to users using Org-level controls (SETTINGS -> Display -> Regulatory Compliance -> "GMT" timezone offset statement).

TransferTip Azure SQL runs in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Your MOVEit Transfer application server nodes will need to match this if you are using the two-factor authentication enabled from the WebUI (Authenticator App, E-mail, and so on). If you choose to ignore this best practice, there are other forms of authentication that you can apply such as client certificates.

Before you begin

You will need an Azure SQL database server to migrate your existing database to. If you have not already created an Azure SQL database server, you can sign on to the Azure Management Portal and create one.

You will need the following server information in Task 1:

Note to MySQL Database Users

If you want to move your MOVEit Transfer MySQL database to Azure SQL, you can use the MySQLToMSSQL utility to generate Azure SQL schema, and then import into Azure SQL. (The MySQLToMSSQL utility now provides schema conversion support for Azure SQL.)

Tasks Needed to migrate SQL Server to Azure SQL

Task 1: Deploy your database to Azure SQL

Deploy your MOVEit Transfer database to an existing Azure SQL database server.




Install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Sign-on or remote desktop to the host/VM where the MOVEit Transfer server is running and install the latest version of SSMS

important SSMS is a free download. It is important to use the latest version. Microsoft frequently refreshes Azure SQL and SMSS. Recent versions of SMSS work with older versions of SQL Server while also supporting the latest changes to the Azure SQL platform.


Launch SMSS and connect to the SQL Server Host where the current MOVEit Transfer database is.


In Object Explorer, expand the Databases folder, right click the current MOVEit Transfer database and chose the following:

Tasks > Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database.

The Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database wizard displays.


Click Next to proceed to the Specify Target Connection screen on the Deployment Settings tab and click Connect.

The SQL Server Connect to Server dialog displays.


Provide information to connect to the target Azure SQL server and click Connect.

  • Server name. Type in the Azure SQL hostname. For example:
  • Authentication. Choose SQL Server authentication.
  • Login. Type in the Azure SQL username. For example: serveradmin.
  • Password. Type in the password.

After you click Connect, SMSS connects to your Azure SQL server and the remaining Azure SQL Database settings can be filled in.


Provide information to configure the MOVEit Transfer that will be installed in Azure SQL.

  • New database name. Accept the default, or type a new database name.
  • Edition of Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Choose an appropriate edition of Microsoft Azure SQL Database. For example: Standard.
  • Maximum database size. Chose a size to accommodate log, user, and org data in GB. (Files and package attachments are not stored here). For example: 250.
  • Service Objective. This is your service level or pricing tier. Select a level that provides the best balance between low cost and high performance. Tip: You can start with a modest pricing tier like S2 and increase your level later using the Azure Management Portal.
  • Temporary file name. Accept the default filename.


On the Verify Specified Setting page, Choose Finish. [Export process begins]

On the Operation Complete page, choose Close.

Task 2: Reset the database login in the migrated database

Reset the MOVEit Transfer database login in the migrated database.




In SMSS, expand Databases > System Databases and right click on master and choose New Query.


In the new query window, type:

ALTER LOGIN moveittransfer22 WITH PASSWORD='my-password-here';

—where my-password is the existing SQL Server user password. (If you don't remember it, you can use a new password and update it below.)


Click Execute to run the procedure and set your password.

Task 3: Create a Windows Server Registry entry for Azure SQL




On your Windows Server running MOVEit Transfer, startup the Windows Server Registry editor (regedit).


Locate the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Standard Networks\siLock\SQLServer


Add the following subkey to the SQLServer subkey (if not there already).

  • Type: REG_SZ
  • Name: Dialect
  • Data: AzureSQL

Task 4: Configure MOVEit Transfer to connect to Azure SQL

Use the MOVEit Transfer Configure utility to connect the MOVEit Transfer server to Azure SQL.




Sign-on or remote desktop to the host/VM where the MOVEit Transfer server is running


Launch the MOVEit Transfer Config console and select the Database tab.


Provide the following information so MOVEit Transfer server can connect to its new Azure SQL database:

  • Change to server to the Azure SQL hostname. For example:
  • If you provided a new database name in Task 2, Step 6, type it in here.
  • If you used a different password, enter a new password, twice.


Click Test Connection to ensure your credentials and connection information are valid. Then click Ok to apply your changes.

Your MOVEit Transfer system will now use the new Azure SQL database.