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Secure Folder Sharing

Secure Folder Sharing extends the collaboration and sharing capabilities of MOVEit Transfer while providing the peace of mind of in-transit and at-rest data confidentiality and data integrity that you need.

Secure Folder Sharing was designed for:

Choose orgs that will enable folder sharing UI controls for org admins (post install task)

(1:37 min)




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Understand the ways you can apply or limit Secure Folder Sharing

The admin controls and Secure Folder Sharing license must be in place before you can grant MOVEit Transfer regular users autonomy to share their folders and subfolders with temp users and other regular users. The following table details the scopes at which you can apply or limit the use of this feature.

Feature Scope


Mechanisms You can Use

System level (sysadmin)

Enables/limits if the feature is available for delegation (at a system-wide scope).

  • Feature license. (Secure Folder Sharing is a licensed feature.)
  • Org profile. (All org profiles would need the same setting to provide system-level alignment)

Org level (sysadmin)

Enables/limits if the feature is available (at selected org basis).

Org profile.

User role level (admin)

Configures feature on the user-home folders of regular users.

Home folder policy settings.

Folder-specific scope (admin)

Configures feature on folders. Admins can enable/remove specific sharing permissions for individual users associated with specific folders.

Folder Access settings. (Best practice)

User operation

When you delegate sharing authority to a user as sharer you can limit the operations the sharer can pass on to others.

Operation-specific sharing. Admin delegates fine scope of sharing operation controls (2019 feature). (Best practice)

Choose which folder operations a user as sharer can pass to others

For example, applying operations such as Delete, Upload, List and List Users can be granted to privileged users and content. Whereas, Download only might be appropriate for collaborative environments where content updates are controlled centrally.

Admin Delegating Share Reveals a New Set of Access Controls

Best practices for using this feature

For MOVEit Transfer administrators, here are important things to consider:

TransferTip For instructions how regular MOVEit Transfer users share folders, see the Share a Folder section of the MOVEit Transfer User Guide or Administrator Guide.

Steps for configuring a Secure Folder Sharing environment in MOVEit Transfer

In order to enable Secure Folder Sharing, you must:

Install. Install MOVEit Transfer with a license that includes Secure Folder Sharing. (Typically this happens at install time.)

Plan/Choose. Choose which Orgs/users will benefit from the increased autonomy and enhanced powers of sharing and collaboration.

Delegate Authority. Enable users to break inheritance from parent folder permissions and share with other users (for example, on a per-folder basis).

Note: It is best practice to enable Secure Folder Sharing first on a MOVEit Transfer Org designated for non-production use, where you can decide which users will benefit from increased autonomy and collaboration. After you understand the capabilities and modes of use, it is optimal to deploy these capabilities to production on an org-by-org basis.

In This Section

Check Secure Folder Sharing is Enabled

Choose Users and Orgs
