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FTP - 特定のクライアント - z/OS

このガイドでは、セキュアソケット z/OS FTP クライアントを使用して MOVEit Transfer FTP サーバーに安全に接続するプロセス全般について説明します。


ステップ 1 - MOVEit Freely を使用してファイアウォールの問題を確認します。MOVEit Freely Web サイトから MOVEit Freely をダウンロードしてインストールします。このクライアントを使用して MOVEit Transfer ホストに接続してみます。正常に接続できる場合、ファイアウォールの問題はありません。
*FTP over SSL およびチェックポイントファイアウォールの既知の問題があります。詳細については、チェックポイントのサポート記事 sk9930 を参照してください。

ステップ 2 - メインフレームにデジタル証明書をインストールします。デジタル証明書を z/OS にインストールする方法は 2 つあります。まず、RACF を使用し、RACDCERT を使用する方法があります。この方法を使用する際はガイドとして を参照してください。

証明書を操作する 2 番目の方法 (通常は最初の方法よりも有効です) は、シェルベースのプログラムであるユーティリティ gskkyman を使用することです。『Secure Sockets Programming』( の第 10 章を参照してください。

  1. メインフレームにルート証明書 (Thawte など) をインストールします。
  2. メインフレームで使用する可能性のある中間証明書をインストールします。これは省略可能である場合があります。
  3. メインフレームにサーバー証明書 ( など) をインストールします。

    ステップ 3 - FTP クライアントパラメータファイルの設定を変更します。以下にパラメータファイルの例を示します。


    ステップ 4 - 明示的モード (TCP ポート 21) とパッシブモードを使用して接続と送信を実行します。これらは、z/OS FTP クライアントを使用するときのデフォルト設定です。

    ステップ 5 - ファイル送信を有効にするには、z/OS クライアントでパッシブモード送信を要求する必要があります。送信する前に、コマンド「LOCSITE FWF」を追加する必要があります。


最新のバージョンでは TLSPORT および SECUREIMPLICITZOS の 2 つの新しいオプションが追加され、z/OS メインフレームで暗黙的モードの FTP over SSL 送信を実行できるようになりました。ただし、MOVEit Transfer FTP サーバーに接続するときは、SECUREIMPLICITZOS パラメータを FALSE に設定する必要があります。(リモート FTP サーバーが別の z/OS である場合のみ、TRUE に設定する必要があります)。


z/OS FTP クライアントパラメータファイルの例

;                                                                      *
;  Name of File:            SEZAINST(FTCDATA)                          *
;                                                                      *
;  Descriptive Name:        FTP.DATA (for FTP Client)                  *
;                                                                      *
;  SMP/E Distribution Name:EZAFTPAC                                   *
;                                                                      *
;  Copyright:   Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                   *
;                                                                      *
;               "Restricted Materials of IBM"                          *
;                                                                      *
;               5694-A01                                               *
;                                                                      *
;               (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1977, 2002                     *
;                                                                      *
;               US Government Users Restricted Rights -                *
;               Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by           *
;               GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.               *
;                                                                      *
;  Status:      CSV1R4                                                 *
;                                                                      *
;                                                                      *
;  This FTP.DATA file is used to specify default file and disk         *
;  parameters used by the FTP client.                                  *
;                                                                      *
;  Note:For an example of an FTP.DATA file for the FTP server,        *
;  see the FTPSDATA example.                                           *
;                                                                      *
;  Syntax Rules for the FTP.DATA Configuration File:                   *
;                                                                      *
;  (a) All characters to the right of and including a ; will be        *
;      treated as a comment.                                           *
;                                                                      *
;  (b) Blanks and <end-of-line> are used to delimit tokens.            *
;                                                                      *
;  (c) The format for each statement is:                               *
;                                                                      *
;      parameter value                                                 *
;                                                                      *
;                                                                      *
;  The FTP.DATA options are grouped into the following groups in       *
;  this sample FTP client FTP.DATA configuration data set:             *
;                                                                      *
;  1.Basic configuration options (timers, conditional options, etc.)  *
;  2.Defaults for MVS data set creation                               *
;  3.Code page conversion options                                     *
;  4.DB2 (SQL) interface options                                      *
;  5.Security options                                                 *
;  6.Debug (trace) options                                            *
;                                                                      *
;  For options that have a pre-selected set of values, a (D) indicates *
;  the default value for the option.                                   *
;                                                                      *
;  Options that can be changed via LOCSITE subcommands are identified  *
;  with an (S).                                                        *
;                                                                      * ;*********************************************************************** 

; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; 1.Basic FTP client configuration options - 
; Timeout values, conversion options, 
; and conditional processing options 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 

ASATRANS         FALSE           ; (S) Conversion of ASA print 
                                     ; control characters 
                                     ; TRUE = Use C conversion 
                                     ; FALSE = Do not convert (D) 

AUTOMOUNT        TRUE            ; (S) Automatic mount of unmounted 
                                     ; DASD volumes 
                                     ; TRUE = Mount volumes (D) 
                                     ; FALSE = Do not mount volumes 

AUTORECALL       TRUE            ; (S) Automatic recall of 
                                     ; migrated data sets 
                                     ; TRUE = Recall them (D) 
                                     ; FALSE = Do not recall them 

AUTOTAPEMOUNT    TRUE                ; Automatic mount of unmounted 
                                     ; tape volumes 
                                     ; TRUE = Mount volumes (D) 
                                     ; FALSE = Do not mount volumes 
BUFNO            5               ; (S) Specify number of access 
                                     ; method buffers 
                                     ; Valid range is from 1 through 
                                     ; 35 - default value is 5 

CCONNTIME        30                  ; Timeout value for successful 
                                     ; close of control connection. 
                                     ; Default value is 30 seconds. 
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 720. 
CHKPTINT         0               ; (S) Specify the checkpoint interval 
                                     ; in number of records. 
                                     ; NB: checkpointing only works
                                     ; with datatype EBCDIC and block 
                                     ; or compressed transfer mode. 
                                     ; 0 = no checkpoints (D) 

CONDDISP         CATLG           ; (S) Disposition of a new data set 
                                     ; when transfer ends prematurely 
                                     ; CATLG = Keep and catalog (D) 
                                     ; DELETE = Delete data set 

DATACTTIME       120                 ; Timeout for send/receive data 
                                     ; operations. 
                                     ; Default value is 120 seconds. 
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 720. 

DCONNTIME        120                 ; Timeout value for successful 
                                     ; close of data connection. 
                                     ; Default value is 120 seconds. 
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 720. 

DIRECTORYMODE    FALSE           ; (S) Specifies how to view the MVS 
                                     ; data set structure: 
                                     ; FALSE = All qualifiers below 
                                     ;    (D)  LCWD are treated as 
                                     ;         entries in the directory 
                                     ; TRUE  = Qualifiers immediately 
                                     ;         below the LCWD are 
                                     ;         treated as entries in the 
                                     ;         directory 

;EXTENSIONS      UTF8                ; Enable RFC 2640 support. 
EXTENSIONS AUTH_TLS                  ; Default is disabled. 
                                     ; Control connection starts as 
                                     ; 7bit ASCII and switches to UTF-8 
                                     ; encoding when LANG command 
                                     ; processed successfully.CCTRANS 
                                     ; and CTRLCONN are ignored. 

FILETYPE         SEQ             ; (S) Client mode of operation 
                                     ; SEQ = transfer data sets or 
                                     ;       files (D) 
                                     ; SQL = submit queries to DB2 

INACTTIME        300                 ; The time in seconds to wait for 
                                     ; an expected response from the 
                                     ; server. 
                                     ; Default value is 300 seconds. 
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 720. 

ISPFSTATS        FALSE               ; TRUE = create/update PDS 
                                     ;        statistics 
                                     ; FALSE =does not create/update 
                                     ; PDS statistics 

MIGRATEVOL       MIGRAT          ; (S) Migration volume VOLSER to 
                                     ; identify migrated data sets 
                                     ; under control of non-HSM 
                                     ; storage management products. 
                                     ; Default value is MIGRAT. 

MYOPENTIME       60                  ; Connection timeout value in 
                                     ; seconds. 
                                     ; Default value is 60 seconds. 
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 720.

QUOTESOVERRIDE   TRUE            ; (S) How to treat quotes at the 
                                     ; beginning or surrounding file 
                                     ; names. 
                                     ; TRUE = Override current working 
                                     ;        directory (D) 
                                     ; FALSE = Treat quotes as part of 
                                     ; file name 

RDW              FALSE           ; (S) Specify whether Record 
                                     ; Descriptor Words (RDWs) are 
                                     ; discarded or retained. 
                                     ; TRUE = Retain RDWs and transfer 
                                     ;        as part of data 
                                     ; FALSE = Discard RDWs when 
                                     ;         transferring data (D)
;SOCKSCONFIGFILE /etc/socks.conf     ; file path for SOCKS configuration 
                                     ; file.The SOCKS configuration 
                                     ; file specifies which FTP servers 
                                     ; should be accessed via SOCKS
TRAILINGBLANKS   FALSE           ; (S) How to handle trailing blanks 
                                     ; in fixed format data sets during 
                                     ; text transfers. 
                                     ; TRUE = Retain trailing blanks 
                                     ;        (include in transfer) 
                                     ; FALSE = Strip off trailing 
                                     ;         blanks (D) 
UMASK            027             ; (S) Octal UMASK to restrict setting 
                                     ; of permission bits when creating 
                                     ; new HFS files 
                                     ; Default value is 027. 

WRAPRECORD       FALSE           ; (S) Specify what to do if no new-line 
                                     ; is encountered before reaching 
                                     ; the MVS data set record length 
                                     ; limit as defined by LRECL when 
                                     ; transferring data to MVS. 
                                     ; TRUE = Wrap data to new record 
                                     ; FALSE = Truncate data (D) 

; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; 2.Default MVS data set creation attributes 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 BLKSIZE      6233               ; (S) New data set allocation block size
;DATACLASS    SMSDATA            ; (S) SMS data class name 
                                    ; There is no default 

;MGMTCLASS    SMSMGNT            ; (S) SMS mgmtclass name 
                                     ; There is no default 

;STORCLASS    SMSSTOR            ; (S) SMS storclass name 
                                     ; There is no default 

;DCBDSN       MODEL.DCB          ; (S) New data set allocation 
                                     ; model DCB name - must be a 
                                     ; fully qualified data set name 
                                     ; There is no default 

 DIRECTORY    27                 ; (S) Number of directory blocks in 
                                     ; new PDS/PDSE data sets. 
                                     ; Default value is 27. 
                                     ; Range is from 1 to 16777215. 

 LRECL        256                 ; (S) New data set allocation LRECL. 
                                     ; Default value is 256. 
                                     ; Valid range 0 through 32760. 

 PRIMARY      1                  ; (S) New data set allocation 
                                     ; primary space units according 
                                     ; to the value of SPACETYPE. 
                                     ; Default value is 1. 
                                     ; Valid range 1 through 16777215. 

 RECFM        VB                 ; (S) New data set allocation 
                                     ; record format. 
                                     ; Default value is VB. 
                                     ; Value may be specified as certain 
                                     ; combinations of: 
                                     ; A - ASA print control 
                                     ; B - Blocked 
                                     ; F - Fixed length records 
                                     ; M - Machine print control 
                                     ; S - Spanned (V) or Standard (F) 
                                     ; U - Undefined record length 
                                     ; V - Variable length records 

 RETPD                           ; (S) New data set retention 
                                     ; period in days. 
                                     ; Blank = no retention period (D) 
                                     ; 0 = expire today 
                                     ; Valid range 0 through 9999. 
                                     ; NB:Note the difference between 
                                     ;     a blank value and a value 
                                     ;     of zero. 

 SECONDARY     1                 ; (S) New data set allocation 
                                     ; secondary space units according 
                                     ; to the value of SPACETYPE. 
                                     ; Default value is 1. 
                                     ; Valid range 1 through 16777215. 

 SPACETYPE     TRACK             ; (S) New data set allocation 
                                     ; space type. 
                                     ; TRACK (D) 
                                     ; BLOCK 
                                     ; CYLINDER 

 UCOUNT                          ; (S) Sets the unit count for an 
                                     ; allocation. 
                                     ; If this option is not specified 
                                     ; or is specified with a value of 
                                     ; blank, the unit count attribute 
                                     ; is not used on an allocation (D) 
                                     ; Valid range is 1 through 59 or 
                                     ; the character P for parallel 
                                     ; mount requests 

;UNITNAME      SYSDA             ; (S) New data set allocation unit 
                                     ; name. 
                                     ; There is no default. 

VCOUNT         59                ; (S) Volume count for an 
                                     ; allocation. 
                                     ; Valid range is 1 through 255. 
                                     ; Default value is 59. 

;VOLUME        WRKLB1,WRKLB2     ; (S) Volume serial number(s) to 
                                     ; use for allocating a data set. 
                                     ; Specify either a single VOLSER 
                                     ; or a list of VOLSERs 
                                     ; separated with commas 

; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; 3.Text code page conversion options 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
;CCTRANS       dsn_qual             ; Control connection translate 
                                    ; table data set qualifier. 
                                    ; Used to search for 
                                    ;   a) userid.dsn_qual.TCPXLBIN 
                                    ;   b) hlq.dsn_qual.TCPXLBIN 
                                    ; If CTRLCONN is specified, that 
                                    ; value overrides CCTRANS. 

;CTRLCONN      7BIT             ; (S) ASCII code page for 
                                    ; control connection. 
                                    ; 7BIT is the default if CTRLCONN 
                                    ; is not specified AND no TCPXLBIN 
                                    ; translation table data set found. 
                                    ; Can be specified as any iconv 
                                    ; supported ASCII code page, such 
                                    ; as IBM-850 

;ENCODING      SBCS             ; (S) Specifies whether multi-byte or  
                                    ; single-byte data conversion is 
                                    ; to be performed on ASCII data 
                                    ; transfers. 
                                    ; MBCS = Use multi-byte 
                                    ; SBCS = Use single-byte   (D) 

;MBDATACONN (IBM-1388,IBM-5488) ; (S) Specifies the conversion table 
                                    ; names for the data connection 
                                    ; when ENCODING has a value of 
                                    ; MBCS.The names are the file 
                                    ; system code page name and the 
                                    ; network transfer code page name. 

;SBDATACONN (IBM-1047,IBM-850)  ; (S) file system/network transfer 
                                    ; code pages for data connection. 
                                    ; Either a fully-qualified MVS 
                                    ; data set name or HFS file name 
                                    ; built with the CONVXLAT utility - 
                                    ;     HLQ.MY.TRANS.DATASET 
                                    ;     /u/user1/my.trans.file 
                                    ; Or a file system code page name 
                                    ; followed by a network transfer 
                                    ; code page name according to 
                                    ; iconv supported code pages - 
                                    ; for example 
                                    ;     (IBM-1047,IBM-850) 
                                    ; If the SYSFTSX DD-name is present 
                                    ; it will override SBDATACONN. 
                                    ; If neither SYSFTSX nor 
                                    ; SBDATACONN are present, std. 
                                    ; search order for a default 
                                    ; translation table data set will 
                                    ; be used. 

;SBSUB        FALSE                 ; Specifies whether untranslatable 
                                    ; data bytes should be replaced 
                                    ; with SBSUBCHAR when detected 
                                    ; during SBCS data transfer. 
                                    ; TRUE = Replace each 
                                    ;  untranslatable byte with 
                                    ;  SBSUBCHAR. 
                                    ; FALSE = Terminate transfer (D) 
                                    ;  when untranslatable bytes are 
                                    ;  detected 

;SBSUBCHAR    nn                    ; Specifies the substitution char 
                                    ; for SBCS data transfer when 
                                    ; SBSUB is TRUE. 
                                    ; nn    = hexadecimal value from 
                                    ;         0x'00' to 0x'FF'. 
                                    ; SPACE = x'40' when target code 
                                    ;         set is EBCDIC, and 
                                    ;         x'20' when target code 
                                    ;         set is ASCII.(D) 

;SBTRANS      dsn_qual              ; Data connection translate 
                                    ; table data set qualifier. 
                                    ; Used to search for 
                                    ;   a) userid.dsn_qual.TCPXLBIN 
                                    ;   b) hlq.dsn_qual.TCPXLBIN 
                                    ; If SBDATACONN is specified, that 
                                    ; value overrides SBTRANS 

;UCSHOSTCS    code_set          ; (S) Specify the EBCDIC code set 
                                    ; to be used for data conversion 
                                    ; to or from Unicode. 
                                    ; If UCSHOSTCS is not specified, 
                                    ; the current EBCDIC code page 
                                    ; for the data connection is used.

UCSSUB        FALSE             ; (S) Specify whether Unicode-to-EBCDIC 
                                    ; conversion should use the EBCDIC 
                                    ; substitution character or 
                                    ; cause the data transfer to be 
                                    ; terminated if a Unicode 
                                    ; character cannot be converted to 
                                    ; a character in the target 
                                    ; EBCDIC code set 
                                    ; TRUE = Use substitution char 
                                    ; FALSE = Terminate transfer (D) 

UCSTRUNC      FALSE             ; (S) Specify whether the transfer 
                                    ; of Unicode data should be 
                                    ; aborted if truncation 
                                    ; occurs at the MVS host 
                                    ; TRUE = Truncation allowed 
                                    ; FALSE = Terminate transfer (D) 

; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; 4.DB2 (SQL) interface options 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 

DB2           DB2               ; (S) DB2 subsystem name 
                                    ; The default name is DB2 

DB2PLAN       EZAFTPMQ              ; DB2 plan name for FTP client 
                                    ; The default name is EZAFTPMQ 

SPREAD        FALSE             ; (S) SQL spreadsheet output format 
                                    ; TRUE = Spreadsheet format 
                                    ; FALSE = Not spreadsheet 
                                    ;         format (D) 

SQLCOL        NAMES             ; (S) SQL output headings 
                                    ; NAMES = Use column names (D) 
                                    ; LABELS = Use column labels 
                                    ; ANY = Use label if defined, 
                                    ;       else use name 

; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; 5.Security options 
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

SECURE_MECHANISM   TLS              ; Name of the security mechanism 
                                    ; that the client uses when it 
                                    ; sends an AUTH command to the 
                                    ; server. 
                                    ; GSSAPI = Kerberos support 
                                    ; TLS = TLS 

SECURE_FTP         ALLOWED          ; Authentication indicator 
                                     ; ALLOWED        (D) 
                                     ; REQUIRED 

SECURE_CTRLCONN    PRIVATE           ; Minimum level of security for 
                                     ; the control connection 
                                     ; CLEAR          (D) 
                                     ; SAFE 
                                     ; PRIVATE 

SECURE_DATACONN    PRIVATE           ; Minimum level of security for 
                                     ; the data connection 
                                     ; NEVER 
                                     ; CLEAR          (D) 
                                     ; SAFE 
                                     ; PRIVATE 

;SECURE_PBSZ       16384             ; Kerberos maximum size of the 
                                     ; encoded data blocks 
                                     ; Default value is 16384 
                                     ; Valid range is 512 through 32768 

; Name of a ciphersuite that can be passed to the partner during 
; the TLS handshake.None, some, or all of the following may be 
; specified.The number to the far right is the cipherspec id 
; that corresponds to the ciphersuite's name. 
CIPHERSUITE        SSL_NULL_MD5      ; 01 
CIPHERSUITE        SSL_NULL_SHA      ; 02 
CIPHERSUITE        SSL_RC4_MD5_EX    ; 03 
CIPHERSUITE        SSL_RC4_MD5       ; 04 
CIPHERSUITE        SSL_RC4_SHA       ; 05 
CIPHERSUITE        SSL_RC2_MD5_EX    ; 06 
CIPHERSUITE        SSL_DES_SHA       ; 09 
CIPHERSUITE        SSL_3DES_SHA      ; 0A 

KEYRING            /SSLselfsigned/key.kdb 
                                      ; It can be the name of an HFS 
                                      ; file (name starts with /) or 
                                      ; a resource name in the security 
                                      ; product (e.g., RACF) 

;TLSTIMEOUT         100               ; Maximum time limit between full 
                                      ; TLS handshakes to protect data 
                                      ; connections 
                                      ; Default value is 100 seconds. 
                                      ; Valid range is 0 through 86400 

; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; 6.Debug (trace) options                                            * 
; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 

;DEBUG             TIME    ;    time stamp client trace entries 
;DEBUG             ALL     ;    activate all traces 
;DEBUG             BAS     ;    active basic traces (marked with *) 
;DEBUG             FLO     ;    function flow 
;DEBUG             CMD     ; *  command trace 
;DEBUG             PAR     ;    parser details 
;DEBUG             INT     ; *  program initialization and termination
;DEBUG             ACC     ;    access control (logging in) 
;DEBUG             SEC     ;    security processing 
;DEBUG             UTL     ;    utility functions 
;DEBUG             FSC(1)  ; *  file services 
;DEBUG             SOC(1)  ; *  socket services 
;DEBUG             SQL     ;    special SQL processing