If a technical problem is observed, this page gives SysAdmins the ability to change the debug levels of the core MOVEit Transfer application and the FTP and SSH services, and to retrieve debug logs from any of the MOVEit Transfer services (including FTP and SSH) remotely over a secure channel.
Debug Logs
The debug logs available on this page contain useful information for troubleshooting system problems. Often, when a problem with the system occurs, the debug logs will be the first thing MOVEit support will ask to see. In addition to being downloadable from this page, the debug logs can be accessed directly from the MOVEit Transfer host server. They are located in the Logs subdirectory of the non-web directory for MOVEit Transfer (by default, C:\MOVEitDMZ). For MOVEit Transfer web farm installations, this directory will be on the shared storage device.
An explanation of each debug log file follows:
DMZ_WEB.log - This is the main debug log for the MOVEit Transfer application. It contains debug messages written out by the core application and the web interface.
DMZ_ISAPI.log - This is the debug log for the MOVEit ISAPI file transfer module, which handles all web interface file transfers, including browsers, MOVEit Wizard, MOVEit Automation, MOVEit EZ, and MOVEit Transfer API.
DMZ_FTP.log - This is the debug log for the secure FTP interface. Events and errors in the MOVEit Transfer FTP server will be found in this file.
DMZ_SSH.log - This is the debug log for the FTP over SSH (SFTP) interface. Events and errors in the MOVEit Transfer SSH server will be found in this file.
Other *.log Files - The other *.log files listed are for the individual scheduler applications that run on a nightly basis. These will contain information about the most recent run of each application.
*.OLx Files - The debug log files roll over when they reach a certain file size limit, which is configurable in the MOVEit Transfer Config program. A file that has reached this limit will be renamed to *.OL1 from *.log, and a new *.log file will be created. The existing *.OL1 file will be renamed to *.OL2, and so on through *.OL4. Hence, *.log is the current log, *.OL1 is the next oldest, and *.OL4 is the very oldest backup of a log file. If an error you are trying to find information about something that happened some time ago, you may need to look in the appropriate *.OLx file for it.
Note: For MOVEit Transfer web farm installations, the node number of the MOVEit Transfer server will be part of the name of each of the DMZ_* debug files. For example, for web farm node 2, the main application debug log file would be named DMZ_WEB_02.log.