In the left pane, click FOLDERS. In the list of folders, click the gear icon () for the folder. The foldername Settings page opens.
Locate the Change Miscellaneous Settings section. Make selections and click Update Miscellaneous Settings.
Hide History
Default is Yes. End users are not shown usernames and IP addresses of those users who have downloaded or viewed a specific file in the folder under that file's History heading.
Create Thumbnails
Default is No.
No. (default). Thumbnails are not created.
Yes. MOVEit detects image file uploads into this folder, and creates thumbnails for image files. Supported image file formats: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF. Thumbnails are always created as JPG images.
If image files exist in the current folder, and you change this setting, the Select Thumbnail Action page opens. If you changed the setting to Yes, you are asked if you want to create thumbnails for existing files. If thumbnails exist, and you change the setting to No, you are asked if you want to delete all existing thumbnails.
Enforce Unique Filenames
Yes. Prevents users from uploading multiple files of the same name into this folder. Affects the display of filenames via the FTP and SSH interfaces.
Format is [Filename].[FileExt] For example: readme.txt
No. Format is [Filename]_[FileID].[FileExt] For example: readme_1234567.txt
Allow File Overwrite
Yes. If Enforce Unique Filenames is set to Yes, and if a user tries to upload a file with the same name as a file already in the folder, the file in the folder is deleted, and the new file is allowed to upload. This can be beneficial for FTP users, because it makes MOVEit behave like other FTP servers.
No. Files are not overwritten. An error is issued if a user tries to upload a file with the same name as an existing file.
Custom Sort Field
By default, Distribution and Home folders are sorted based on the organization's default folder sort setting. Users can re-sort folders to a different method, which is remembered in a cookie for the user. Sometimes, however, an individual folder may need to be sorted differently than the default, and differently than the user's normal sorting selection.
This setting allows a folder to be sorted in a way that overrides the organization and user selections. Users can still choose to sort the contents of the folder differently by clicking one of the column headers, but this choice is not remembered between sessions.
Custom sort field options:
None. Do not use any custom sorting for this folder. Default.
Name. Sort folder contents by name, in ascending order.
Created. Sort folder contents by creation timestamp, in descending order.
Size/Contents. Sort folder contents by size (files) or contents (subfolders), in ascending order.
Creator. Sort folder contents by creator username, in ascending order.
Download Count. Sort files in folder by the number of times files have been downloaded, in descending order.