New items. View new packages and file information.
Your Home page includes announcements, files, and packages.
Some organizations post an announcement that appears to all users after they sign on. The name of the person who posted the announcement and the time of the announcement appear below the announcement.
Groups can also post announcements to their members. The group name, the name of the person who posted the announcement, and the time are listed below the announcement.
If Ad Hoc Transfer is enabled, any new packages for you appear in this section. A package can contain a secure note (message) and/or attached files. This list includes any unviewed packages that are not currently located in your Trash mailbox.
Upload files. Move a file into MOVEit Transfer before you share it.
Depending on your MOVEit Transfer user role and permissions, you can upload files. You can upload files from the Web UI, an upload wizard, or other supported clients.