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MOVEit Automation Installation

  1. Log in to Microsoft Windows as Administrator or using a comparable account with full administrative privileges to the computer.
  2. Choose one of the following options to begin the installation:
    1. Right-click the downloaded MOVEit installation file to run the installation as an Administrator.
    2. Run the installation from an Administrator command prompt, for example "C:Users\Administrator\Desktop\MOVEit_Install.exe"

      Note: To run the installation offline, use the command prompt with the Offline option, for example "C:Users\Administrator\Desktop\MOVEit_Install.exe" /Offline

  3. Read the Welcome screen and indicate if you want to configure MOVEit using either Express or Custom installation mode. Express installs all program features and uses the default installation path. Custom installs modules selected by the user and allows them to configure additional settings as needed. Then, click Next to proceed.
  4. Enter your MOVEit activation key, then click Next. Doing so activates your software using your computer's Internet connection and populates your serial number from the installation file.

    important From here, you can alternately choose to activate your MOVEit installation using a license file which can be retrieved from the My Products section of the Customer Portal, or by using the offline activation process detailed here. This option is useful if your MOVEit server is not connected to the Internet.

  5. Select the MOVEit modules you want to install, then click Next to proceed. You have the option to install Automation Server, Automation Web Admin, or Automation Admin Console. If you are ONLY installing Automation Web Admin without Automation Server, please continue here.

    TIP The following steps apply to the installation of all three modules. Some steps are excluded if all three modules are not installed simultaneously.

  6. Review the results of the system configuration check. If any prerequisite checks did not pass, please resolve them, then click Revalidate to perform the system configuration check again. Click Next to proceed.

    important If you selected Custom when beginning this installation, proceed to the next step. If you selected Express installation, proceed directly to step 10.

  7. Specify whether you want to install a new instance of My SQL Server locally, use an Existing Microsoft SQL Server or an Existing Microsoft Azure SQL Server database, then click Next.
    1. If you chose My SQL Server, enter a name and location for the new instance as well as credentials for both the MYSQL Administrator and MYSQL User accounts, then click Next.

      important MOVEit recommends using the default names provided for your databases. If you choose to use non-standard database names, please do so during product installation as modifying them after installation is complete could cause potential issues with network monitoring.

    2. If you chose Existing Microsoft SQL Server, enter the SQL Server name along with the SQL Server Administrator Login name and password for MOVEit to use to access the existing instance, then click Next.
    3. If you chose Existing Microsoft Azure SQL Server, enter the SQL Server name along with the SQL Server Administrator Login name and password for MOVEit to use to access the existing instance, then click Next.
  8. Select the destination folders for the MOVEit application installation as well as the cache directory, then click Next.
  9. Enter username and password credential sets for both the Admin account and the Windows Service user account as well as a Tamper Key. Click Next to proceed.

    Note: The Admin password can be modified following installation. However, the Windows Service user account and tamper key cannot. Ensure the credentials you have entered in this dialog are correct before proceeding.

  10. Enter the IP address or hostname of the MOVEit Automation Server on which the user will log into the MOVEit web interface as well as the applicable HTTP and HTTPS ports to be used for server communication. If you are entering more than one server, separate addresses or hostnames with comma(s).
  11. Enter the server, sender, and recipient addresses MOVEit should use for email communication. Additionally, enable SSL and indicate if credentials are required for communication, if needed. Click Next to proceed.
  12. Server Certificate: Specify whether you want to Create a new certificate or Use an existing certificate. If you opt to create a new encryption certificate, MOVEit will autogenerate one which will expire after 90 days, then click Next.
  13. Web Admin Certificate: Specify whether you want to Create certificate or Import Certificate Keystore (PKCS12/Password Protected), then click Next.
    1. If you chose Create certificate, MOVEit will autogenerate one which will expire after 90 days.
    2. If you chose Import Certificate Keystore (PKCS12/Password Protected), browse to the existing certificate and insert the certificate password.
  14. Review the Summary dialog and ensure the detailed configuration settings displayed are correct, then click Proceed. The MOVEit install program begins the installation.

    important Click Copy Credentials to generate a text file with this information for your reference following installation. This is your only opportunity to generate a copy of this important information.

  15. When installation is complete, click Finish to close the program.

In This Section

Web Admin Standalone Installation

See Also

MOVEit Automation

Prior to installing MOVEit Automation