MOVEit Transfer uses a database server to store information such as organization settings, user account information, and folder and file information. In most circumstances, the database requires no active maintenance on the part of the administrator.
Rarely, one or more database tables can become corrupted and cause part of the MOVEit Transfer application to stop functioning. These corruptions can be caused by unexpected reboots, such as during a power failure; or when backup programs copy database table files while the database server is running. (See also Alternate Backup Suggestions below.) A corrupted database table cannot be accessed by the database server until it has been repaired.
If you suspect a database corruption problem, first check the MOVEit Transfer debug log. MOVEit Transfer accesses the database server several times during a typical session and logs serious database problems to the debug log. For more information, see Debug Logs.
Examples of table corruption errors in the debug log:
[TCX][MyODBC]Can't open file: 'folderperms.MYD'. (errno: 145)
[TCX][MyODBC]Got error 134 from table handler
Database problems are sometimes specific to the type of database engine in use. Most of the suggestions here apply when MySQL is being used as the database engine.
MOVEit Transfer includes a MySQL database option that automatically repairs tables that it finds corrupted. Although no administrator action is required in these cases, administrators might want to be informed of them. Information is logged by the database server when such corruptions occur, and when they are automatically repaired.
This log information is located in the \mysql\data directory of your MOVEit Transfer server, in a file named HOSTNAME.err, where HOSTNAME is the name of the server.
Example of a corruption detection and repair event:
041122 1:13:58 read_const: Got error 134 when reading table ./moveitdmz/folderperms
041122 1:14:00 read_const: Got error 134 when reading table ./moveitdmz/folderperms
041122 1:41:46 Warning: Checking table: './moveitdmz/folderperms'
041122 1:41:46 Warning: Recovering table: './moveitdmz/folderperms'
If the automatic table repair functionality fails, you must repair the table manually. It is not necessary to stop any MOVEit Transfer services during the manual repair process. (For the purposes of this discussion MOVEit Transfer services include FTP, SSH, IIS, Windows Scheduler, MySQL and SysStat.)
Note: The MySQL service MUST be running for this procedure to succeed.
To manually repair a database table, open a command-prompt on your MOVEit Transfer system and log in to the MySQL server using the root account created during the MOVEit Transfer installation. To log onto the MySQL server using root, cd to your \mysql\bin
directory and issue this command:
mysql --user=root --password=YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD moveitdmz
After you log in, execute the CHECK TABLE command against the table you think has been corrupted. For example:
CHECK TABLE folderperms;
This command typically generates several lines of information. The last line will tell you the status of the table. If the CHECK response indicates the table needs to be repaired, issue the repair command like so:
REPAIR TABLE folderperms;
This may take several minutes, depending on the size of the table, and generate several lines of output. If the repair was successful, the last line of output will contain a status message of OK.
If the manual repair process was unsuccessful after several tries, contact MOVEit support for assistance.
Many backup programs (Veritas, for example) often corrupt open database or configuration files. This behavior is somewhat platform-specific. To avoid these problems, try one or both of the following:
available from the MOVEit / DMZ / Extras folder on the MOVEit Transfer support server.Consult the PSC/MOVEit support site at