Ipswitch, Inc.

MessageWay MWAWSS3 Release

MessageWay MWAWSS3 Release Name:      mwawss3-6.1.0-linux

Release date:    October 5, 2018

Prerequisite:     MessageWay Server 6.1.0 MR07 or later

This release contains the files listed below:

  Files included in this MessageWay MWAWSS3 Release mwawss3-6.1.0-linux:

    mwawss3 MessageWay MWAWSS3 Adapter
    libssl.so.1.0.0 OpenSSL crypto library
    libcrypto.so.1.0.0 OpenSSL crypto library
    libcurl.so.4.5.0 CURL library
    libaws-cpp-sdk-core.so AWS CPP SDK CORE Shared Library
    libaws-cpp-sdk-s3.so AWS CPP SDK S3 Shared Library
    libaws-cpp-sdk-transfer.so AWS CPP SDK TRANSFER Shared Library
    mwawss3-6.1.0-linux_readme.html This Readme file


Installing the MessageWay MWAWSS3 Release:

1) Download the Messageway MWAWSS3 install tarball file (mwawss3-6.1.0-linux.tgz).
2) Logon as "root".
3) Untar the mwawss3-6.1.0-linux.tgz file: tar -xzvf mwawss3-6.1.0-linux.tgz
4) Step 3 will automatically create a new subdirectory named mwawss3-6.1.0-linux.
5) Stop the MessageWay Messaging Server.
6) cd to the newly created mwawss3-6.1.0-linux subdirectory.
7) Run the install program:  ./install.sh
8) Answer the prompts as they appear.
9) Start the MessageWay Messaging Server.

The MessageWay MWAWSS3 Release is now installed on the server.

To verify that the MessageWay MWAWSS3 Release installed properly, view the /opt/messageway/MWayInstall.log file.  That file is updated whenever a MessageWay MWAWSS3 adapter is installed. Additionally, this Maintenance Release Readme file is saved in the subdirectory created in step 3 above for future reference.


Ipswitch, Inc. | 1-781-645-5570