Progress Software Corp.

MessageWay Server Maintenance Release

Maintenance Release Name:      messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris

Release date:    January 5, 2021

Prerequisite:     MessageWay Server 6.1.0

Obsoletes Maintenance Releases (formerly called Hotfixes):  All previous MessageWay Server 6.1.0 Hotfixes

This Maintenance Release contains the files listed below:

  Files changed in this Maintenance Release messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris:

    dbconvert.bin Database Convert Utility OpenSSL crypto library Open SSH library
    mwadmin.bin MessageWay Administrator Program
    mwas2 MessageWay AS2 Service
    mwawss3 MessageWay AWSS3 Adapter
    mwexp.bin MessageWay Export Program
    mwimp.bin MessageWay Import Program
    mwmsg MessageWay Messaging Server
    mwrules MessageWay Rules Processing Service
    mwsftp MessageWay SFTP Adapter
    mwsi MessageWay Service Interface
    mwtrace.bin MessageWay Trace Program
    mwuser MessageWay User Server MessageWay Translator Service Runtime Module
    MessageWay Installation Guide  
    MessageWay Users Guide and Reference  
    messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris_readme.html    This Readme file

  Files changed in previous Hotfixes and rolled into this Maintenance Release: MessageWay Installer
    convertarchive.bin Utility to convert archive zip files to Retrieve from Archive files Open SSH library Open SSH thread safe library
    mwarchive.bin MessageWay Archiving Server
    mwarchretrieve.bin MessageWay Retrieve from Archive Server
    mwcompress MessageWay Compression Service
    mwcustomio MessageWay Custom IO Adapter
    mwcustomproc MessageWay Custom Processing Service
    mwdisk MessageWay Disk Transfer Adapter
    mwdistlist MessageWay Distribution List Service
    mwemail MessageWay Email Adapter
    mwftp MessageWay FTP Adapter
    mwlogging MessageWay Logging Server
    mwmq MessageWay WebSphere MQ Adapter
    mwres.bin MessageWay RES Client version
    mwrestart.bin MessageWay Restart Program
    mwsched MessageWay Scheduling Server
    mwsi.conf.samp Sample Service Interface Configuration File
    mwtranslator MessageWay Translation Service
    mwuser.conf.samp Sample User Configuration File Utility to report/update InUse setting in Timezone table
    MessageWay Service Interface API

Installing the MessageWay Server Maintenance Release:

1) Download the Maintenance Release install package sent by Progress and unzip.
2) Logon to the application server as the user that "owns" the MessageWay programs.
3) Locate the Maintenance Release tarball (messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris.tgz) in the Maintenance Release install package (...\messageway_mrs\solaris\) and copy to the application server.
4) Unzip the Maintenance Release tarball: gunzip messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris.tgz
5) Untar the resulting Maintenance Release tar file: tar -xvf messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris.tar
6) Step 5 will automatically create a new subdirectory named messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris.
7) Stop MessageWay.
8) If you have MWTranslator 6.2 installed, this manual step is required to save the 6.2
     8a) cd /opt/messageway/bin/ (or equivalent) subdirectory
     8b) cp -p (it will be copied back in step 17 below)
9) Logon as "root".
10) cd to the newly created messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris subdirectory.
11) Install the Maintenance Release by running the install script: ./
12) Answer the prompts as they appear.
NOTE: New for this release, you will be prompted to select your database type:
             Enter MessageWay DB Type MySQL(S) or Oracle(O)
NOTE: When Oracle(O) is selected, the following 3 prompts can be ignored by simply pressing the Enter key (they are not used at this time):
             Enter DB Server Hostname (localhost) :
             Enter DB Server Port (1521) :
             Enter Oracle ServiceName :

The following prompt is also not used, but a value must be entered (any value will do):
              Enter Oracle SID :
13) Log back on as the user that "owns" the MessageWay programs.
14) cd to the /opt/messageway/utils/ (or equivalent) subdirectory.
15) Convert the database to support new functionality by running the convert script:
./dbconvert -u <your DB user> -p <your DB password> -o dbconvertmr09.log
where <your DB user> is the user with access to the MessageWay database and
            <your DB password> is the password for the user with access to the MessageWay database.
16) After dbconvert has finished, review the dbconvert.log and the dbconvertmr09.log to ensure the database was upgraded properly.  These log files are located in the /opt/messageway/utils/ (or equivalent) subdirectory.  Resolve any errors encountered in either log file before continuing with these instructions.  An empty dbconvertmr09.log means that no errors were written to 'stdout', but errors may still have been written to dbconvert.log.
17) If you have MWTranslator 6.2 installed, this manual step is required to copy back in the 6.2
      17a) cd /opt/messageway/bin/ (or equivalent) subdirectory
      17b) mv
     17c) cp -p
18) Start MessageWay logged on as the user that "owns" the MessageWay programs.
19) If you have MWReporting installed, this manual step is required to support 128 character Class Id's on datamart table messageshistory:
      19a) Stop MWReporting.
      19b) Logon to the database server where the MWReporting datamart (or equivalent) is installed as the "user" that owns
                the datamart database.
      19c) Run the following SQL command against your datamart database:
               MySQL: alter table messageshistory modify ClassId varchar(128) character set ucs2;
Oracle: alter table messageshistory modify ClassId nvarchar2(128);
19d) Start MWReporting.

The Maintenance Release is now installed on the server. A backup copy of every replaced object was saved in the /opt/messageway/bin/backups subdirectory.

To verify that the Maintenance Release installed properly, view the /opt/messageway/MWayInstall.log file.  Additionally, this Maintenance Release Readme file is saved in the subdirectory created in step 5 above for future reference.

Regarding any sample config files that may be part of this Maintenance Release, in-use config files should always be compared against newly installed sample config files in order to make any necessary modifications, as well as to incorporate new parameters and updated comments.

NOTE: you do not need to run convertarchive utility if it has already been run as a result of installing 6.1 MR05 or MR06.

IMPORTANT notes about using convertarchive utility.  After this Maintenance Release has been installed and MessageWay restarted, you will want to convert any archive zip files to support the new Retrieve from Archive functionality using convertarchive as follows:

1) Logon to the application server as the user that "owns" the MessageWay programs.
2) cd to the /opt/messageway/utils/ (or equivalent) subdirectory.
3) Convert the archive zip files to support new Retrieve from Archive functionality by running the convert script:
./convertarchive -u <your DB user> -p <your DB password> -o convertarchivemr09.log

To verify that convertarchive ran correctly, view the convertarchive.log and convertarchivemr09.log located in the /opt/messageway/utils/ (or equivalent) subdirectory.  Resolve any errors encountered in either log file.  An empty convertarchivemr09.log means that no errors were written to 'stdout', but errors may still have been written to convertarchive.log.

The amount of time required to run this utility depends on how many archive zip files need to be converted and the amount of available resources on both the application server and the database server.

IMPORTANT (Oracle database for UNIX): Users should upgrade to the latest Easysoft ODBC driver 3.4.5 (or 3.6.0 for Oracle 12c), which are available from Technical Support. This fixes potential memory leak issues associated with CLOB data types in Unicode data. For more information about how to upgrade the driver, refer to the "MessageWay Installation Guide", and for information about the update, refer to the Easysoft readme or release notes.

Additional Install Procedures:
This install updates base adapters and services only. You must manually update any additional adapters or services you may have. For example, if you have installed additional MWSFTP adapters such as MWSFTP-B, you must use a command line to execute the install command manually for each additional adapter. Note that best practice is to use the same case as you see in MessageWay Manager whenever you type the name of an adapter.

For example, the commands would be similar to the following (the first command is the environment variable that programs use to find the required shared libraries):
   /opt/messageway/bin> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/messageway/lib
   /opt/messageway/bin> ./mwsftp --install MWSFTP-B

The adapters and services affected by this maintenance release that require Additional Install Procedures are:

( January 5, 2021 ) Issues closed in messageway-6.1.0-mr09-solaris

IMPORTANT NOTE about Security Updates for this release:
MessageWay now includes the OpenSSL 1.0.2u and FIPS 2.0.16 releases.

They address many vulnerabilities that can be found in the release notes on the site.

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of OpenSSL:

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of FIPS:

IMPORTANT NOTE about Ciphers, KEX Algorithms and HMACs support for MWSFTP Adapter for this release:
Configurable fields for Ciphers, KEX algorithms and HMACs have been added to 'SFTP' tab of MWSFTP adapter as well as 'SFTP Auth' tab of MWSFTP locations.  For more details, including supported values, refer to 'Ciphers & KEX Algorithms & HMACs used by MWSFTP Adapter' article included with this release.

MessageWay - Issue #968 (Program changed: dbconvert.bin - version

Issue 968:
Increase column length of message attribute 'Class Id' from 64 to 128 characters on tables archivemessages, messages and messageshistory (if MWReporting installed).  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #978 (Program changed: mwadmin.bin - version

Issue 978:
Message counts in the Manager can get out-of-sync with the message counts in the database (Messages table), so a utility is needed to correct this.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  A msgcountsync option has been added to the mwadmin utility.

MessageWay - Issue #945 (Program changed: mwas2 - version

Issue 945:
Outbound messages from adapter fail when AS2 servlets installed in Tomcat version 7.0.69 or newer.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #962, 971, 972 (Program changed: mwawss3 - version

Issue 962:
Increase queue timeout from 1 minute to 5 minutes to better handle high volumes in processing queues.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  NOTE: this change affects all adapters.

Issue 971: In order to reduce CPU utilization when transferring multiple large files in parallel, add ability to limit the transfer rate (in MB)  of inbound and outbound file transfers.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  A 'Limit Rate' drop down (in MB increments) has been added to 'AWSS3 Input' and 'AWSS3 Output' tabs on MWAWSS3 locations.

Issue 972: Add ability to specify 'bucket-owner-full-control' ACL on outbound file transfers.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  An 'ACL Required' check box has been added to 'AWSS3 Output' tab on MWAWSS3 locations.

MessageWay - Issue #970 (Program changed: mwexp.bin - version

Issue 970:
Utility should be putting XML encoded values for 0D and 0A in exported output, not the actual characters 0D and 0A, which results in CR and LF creating blank lines in text fields,  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #5271 (Program changed: mwimp.bin - version

Issue 5271:
Utility does not correctly import adapter location passwords greater then 15 characters, resulting in invalid password after import.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #968 (Program changed: mwmsg - version

Issue 968:
Increase length of message attribute 'Class Id' from 64 to 128 characters, and truncate 'Class Id' to 128 if more than 128 characters encountered.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #1265 (Program changed: mwrules - version

Issue 1265:
Regarding Rules Expression Builder, add new Source of  InputName, and add new Operators of beginswith, endswith and matches for Source of InputName and Filename.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #952, 977, 979 (Program changed: mwsftp - version

Issue 952:
Enhance adapter and locations to make Ciphers, KEX algorithms and HMACs configurable.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  Configurable fields for Ciphers, KEX algorithms and HMACs have been added to 'SFTP' tab of MWSFTP adapter as well as 'SFTP Auth' tab of MWSFTP locations.  NOTE: for more details, including supported values, refer to 'Ciphers & KEX Algorithms & HMACs used by MWSFTP Adapter' article included with this release.

Issue 977: Enhance error reporting to distinguish connection errors generated by MWSFTP Adapter from connection errors generated by MWProxy server.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 979: Add support for KEX Algorithm diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  The adapter has been updated to use libssh version 0.9.4 to address multiple CVE issues, including support for KEX Algorithm diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256.

MessageWay - Issue #980, 1033, 1034 (Program changed: mwsi - version

Issue 980:
When a file upload is aborted or failed midway thru the upload, subsequent uploads of the same filename result in '1008 Creation Failure' errors.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 1033: Regarding Web Client, when user does not have download rights on Default Recipient, incorrect results are displayed on Available, Downloaded and Canceled tabs.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 1034: 'Last Activity Time' on Sessions Log is not being updated by Web Client connections via the MWSI.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #946 (Program changed: mwtrace.bin - version

Issue 946:
Utility should default to trace type asterisk (*) if trace type is not specified when using -t (or --trace) switch on command line trace.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #969 (Program changed: mwuser - version

Issue 969:
Program crashes with segment fault under certain conditions.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #1, 2, 955, 5296 (Program changed:

Issue 1:
Program crashes when processing certain input files containing repeating elements.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 2: The functionality to support multiple occurrences of a composite element or simple element within a segment does not work correctly.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 955: Override settings for one partner should not carry over to next partner in the same processing run (input file).  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 5296: Generated control number contains extra trailing space which increases by 1 each time the translation is submitted, resulting in invalid translation (EDI) output.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #950 (Program changed:

Issue 950:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this release above.

MessageWay - Issue #947, 967, 974, 1003 (Program changed: MessageWay Users Guide and Reference)

Issue 947:
Update documentation to explain that  tokens can be used to construct folder names in the 'File Mask' field on MWAWSS3 output locations.

Issue 967: Update documentation to explain how to edit Rules (expressions) outside of Expression Builder using a text editor.

Issue 974: Update documentation to better explain that when Rescan option is used on MWDisk input locations, 'Input Now' is disabled by design.

Issue 1003: Update documentation to explain that setting a low polling interval (seconds) in MWAWSS3 input locations can cause excessive AWS monetary charges.

( December 21, 2018 ) Issues closed in messageway-6.1.0-mr08-solaris

IMPORTANT NOTE about Security Updates for this release:
MessageWay now includes the OpenSSL 1.0.2p and FIPS 2.0.16 releases.

They address many vulnerabilities that can be found in the release notes on the site.

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of OpenSSL:

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of FIPS:

IMPORTANT NOTE about Database version support for this release:
MessageWay now supports MySQL 5.7.x and Oracle 12c (release 12.2.x) using Easysoft ODBC driver 3.6.0.

IMPORTANT NOTE about MQ Client version support for this release:
MessageWay now supports MQ Client version 9 (32-bit).

MessageWay - Issue #4372 (Program changed: mwas2 - version

Issue 4372:
AS2 Adapter not re-initializing variables in memory when an outbound error occurs, causing the last successful MDN response still in memory to incorrectly be written to the Misc. tab of the outbound message in error.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3406, 4402 (Program changed: mwdisk - version

Issue 3406:
When MWDisk Adapter is trying to input a file that does not exist, the error message generated is "Failure while attempting to copy input file to message store", which is not very usefull when trying to determine what the problem is.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4402: Trace token "Startup" does not display input location and path for paths being validated by the MWDisk Adapter when it is initially started.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4393 (Program changed: mwdistlist - version

Issue 4393:
MWDistlist allows users to configure a MWDistlist location to route messages to itself, causing an infinite loop.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  If a user tries to configure a MWDistlist location to route to itself, a pop-up is generated telling user this is not allowed.

MessageWay - Issue #4312 (Program changed: mwemail - version

Issue 4312:
A PCI scan against MWEmail Adapter indicates vulnerability CVE-2016-2183 (Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size) also known as Sweet32.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by disabling DES and 3DES ciphers.

MessageWay - Issue #4312 (Program changed: mwftp - version

Issue 4312:
A PCI scan against MWFTP Adapter indicates vulnerability CVE-2016-2183 (Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size) also known as Sweet32.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by disabling DES and 3DES ciphers.

MessageWay - Issue #4318, 4365, 4373 (Program changed: mwmsg - version

Issue 4318:
MessageWay uses SQL statement TRUNCATE to clean out several tables.  TRUNCATE requires the same "special" user privilage as SQL statement DROP, which is not acceptable for some of our customers.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by using SQL statement DROP instead of TRUNCATE.

Issue 4365, 4373: Insufficient error handling when duplicate Message ID encountered in MESSAGES table while using adapters.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4318 (Program changed: mwrestart.bin - version

Issue 4318:
MessageWay uses SQL statement TRUNCATE to clean out several tables.  TRUNCATE requires the same "special" user privilage as SQL statement DROP, which is not acceptable for some of our customers.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by using SQL statement DROP instead of TRUNCATE.

MessageWay - Issue #4312, 4378, 4406 (Program changed: mwsftp - version

Issue 4312:
A PCI scan against MWSFTP Adapter indicates vulnerability CVE-2016-2183 (Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size) also known as Sweet32.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by disabling DES and 3DES ciphers.

Issue 4378: MWSFTP Adapter is incorrectly reading the known_hosts file created by the native SFTP client before reading the "Server Key Fingerprint" defined in the "SFTP Auth" tab of a MWSFTP location, and if a match is found in the known_hosts file, there is a chance that the wrong host key will be used, causing a connection failure.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4406: MWSFTP Adapter is unable to receive files from a SSH server of type SERV-U (receive permission denied error).  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4312 (Program changed: mwsi - version

Issue 4312:
A PCI scan against MWSI Server indicates vulnerability CVE-2016-2183 (Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size) also known as Sweet32.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by removing 3DES cipher from mwsi.conf.samp.  Customers will need to merge this change into their in-use mwsi.conf file.  The updated cipher list is: CipherList=ALL:!LOW:!EXP:!ADH:!IDEA:!3DES:@STRENGTH

MessageWay - Issue #4312, 4366 (Program changed: mwsi.conf.samp)

Issue 4312:
A PCI scan against MWSI Server indicates vulnerability CVE-2016-2183 (Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size) also known as Sweet32.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by removing 3DES cipher from mwsi.conf.samp.  Customers will need to merge this change into their in-use mwsi.conf file.  The updated cipher list is: CipherList=ALL:!LOW:!EXP:!ADH:!IDEA:!3DES:@STRENGTH

Issue 4366: Enable Public Key Authentication in MWSI config file.  Changes: RequestClientCert and AgentFile have been enabled by default in mwsi.conf.samp.  Customers will need to merge these changes into their in-use mwsi.conf file.  The updated parameters are: RequestClientCert=True and uncomment AgentFile=/etc/messageway/certs/agents.

MessageWay - Issue #4318 (Program changed: mwtrace.bin - version

Issue 4318:
MessageWay uses SQL statement TRUNCATE to clean out several tables.  TRUNCATE requires the same "special" user privilage as SQL statement DROP, which is not acceptable for some of our customers.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by using SQL statement DROP instead of TRUNCATE.

MessageWay - Issue #4376, 4411 (Program changed: mwtranslator - version

Issue 4376:
Document reject in MWTranslator service is not performing rollback correctly.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4411: When MWTranslator service encounters "Record with this control reference number is in use" condition, the PARCTRL record for the partner in question is left in a "Busy" state and subsequent translations for the same partner will fail.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4312 (Program changed: mwuser - version

Issue 4312:
A PCI scan against MWUser Server indicates vulnerability CVE-2016-2183 (Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size) also known as Sweet32.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by removing 3DES cipher from mwuser.conf.samp.  Customers will need to merge this change into their in-use mwuser.conf file.  The updated cipher list is: CipherList=ALL:!LOW:!EXP:!ADH:!IDEA:!3DES:@STRENGTH

MessageWay - Issue #4312 (Program changed: mwuser.conf.samp)

Issue 4312:
A PCI scan against MWUser Server indicates vulnerability CVE-2016-2183 (Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size) also known as Sweet32.  Changes: This problem has been fixed by removing 3DES cipher from mwuser.conf.samp.  Customers will need to merge this change into their in-use mwuser.conf file.  The updated cipher list is: CipherList=ALL:!LOW:!EXP:!ADH:!IDEA:!3DES:@STRENGTH

MessageWay - Issue #2817 (Program changed:

Issue 2817:
The installation script incorrectly tries to capture the version number of all MessageWay binaries while logged in as root, instead of being logged in as the "owner of MessageWay".  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4118 (Program changed:

Issue 4118:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this release above.

MessageWay - Issue #4100, 4101, 4241, 4356 (Program changed: MessageWay Installation Guide)

Issue 4100, 4241:
Updated documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has verified that MessageWay works correctly with Oracle 12c Release using EasySoft odbc-oracle-3.6.0-linux-x86-glibc.

Issue 4101: Updated documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has verified that MessageWay works correctly with mysql-server-5.7.23.el7 using mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.8-1.rhel5.i386.

Issue 4356: Updated documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has verified that MessageWay works correctly with MQ Client version

MessageWay - Issue #4100, 4101, 4241, 4356, 4366 (Program changed: MessageWay Users Guide and Reference)

Issue 4100, 4241:
Updated documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has verified that MessageWay works correctly with Oracle 12c Release using EasySoft odbc-oracle-3.6.0-linux-x86-glibc.

Issue 4101: Updated documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has verified that MessageWay works correctly with mysql-server-5.7.23.el7 using mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.8-1.rhel5.i386.

Issue 4356: Updated documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has verified that MessageWay works correctly with MQ Client version

Issue 4366: Updated documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has enabled Public Key Authentication in MessageWay by default.

( March 31, 2018 ) Issues closed in messageway-6.1.0-mr07-solaris

IMPORTANT NOTE about Security Updates for this release:
MessageWay now includes the OpenSSL 1.0.2n and FIPS 2.0.16 releases.

They address many vulnerabilities that can be found in the release notes on the site.

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of OpenSSL:

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of FIPS:

MessageWay - Issue #4320 (Program changed: mwemail - version

Issue 4320:
If the %filename% token contains the underscore character (_), and %filename% is used in the  'Subject' field or as the 'Attachment filename',  the underscore is incorrectly replaced with a space character in the resulting email.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4335 (Program changed: mwftp - version

Issue 4335: Add a data channel timeout when the monitor thread gets the DIR listing to prevent the MWFTP Adapter from hanging indefinitely when a network issue occurs.  Changes: A new data channel timeout has been added to MWFTP Adapter.  The timeout is set to one minute for initial read and 2 minutes for all subsequent reads.

MessageWay - Issue #4226, 4304 (Program changed: mwimp.bin - version

Issue 4226:
Import of file system locations results in allowed access rights for each parent not being inherited by its immediate children.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4304: Import of regular location folders with a location and folder underneath creates duplicate security records for the location.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4323 (Program changed: mwsi - version

Issue 4323: Need to truncate leading and trailing spaces from ClassID for messages uploaded via  MWFTPD Server, MWSFTPD Server and SegWay Open.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4322, 4326, 4330, 4342 (Program changed: mwuser - version

Issue 4322: The View Logs security access right allows users to execute a Find Logs query, but it does not allow users to view individual log record details.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4326: MWUser crashes with a seg 4 fault, core file is generated.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  Also increased the request buffer size for all requests to MWUser from 32K to 64K to allow larger query requests.

Issue 4330, 4342: The Find Locations, Find Rules and Find Users options do not have a maximum rows returned value, resulting in unacceptable performance and/or the Manager becoming unresponsive when tens of thousands of rows are returned in the resulting query.  Changes: The maximum rows returned value for the Find Locations, Find Rules and Find Users options has been hard coded to 10,000.

MessageWay - Issue #4118 (Program changed:

Issue 4118:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this release above.

MessageWay - Issue #4231 (Program changed:

Issue 4231:
Standard Identification Rules regarding Sender should not be case sensitive.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

( May 26, 2017 ) Issues closed in messageway-6.1.0-mr06-solaris

IMPORTANT NOTE about Security Updates for this release:
MessageWay now includes the OpenSSL 1.0.2j and FIPS 2.0.12 releases.

They address many vulnerabilities that can be found in the release notes on the site.

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of OpenSSL:

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of FIPS:

MessageWay - Issue #4252 (Program changed: mwarchive.bin- version

Issue 4252:
MWArchive version crashes if 'Archive Directory' is set to 'CSV File'.  Changes: The 'Archive Directory' in MR05 and beyond will be only Database. Therefore setting the MWArchive Server Property 'Archive Directory' to 'CSV File' will not have any effect post MR05. No changes have been made in the Manager to remove this option at this time. The MWArchive program will no longer pay attention to the 'Archive Directory' setting in the Server property.

MessageWay - Issue #4076 (Program changed: mwas2- version

Issue 4076:
Add ability to select which signing algorithm is used for MDN.  Changes: The field 'Sign Algorithm' has been added to the AS2 tab of the AS2 Adapter location, which allows you to select the signing algorithm to be used on the MDN.  Valid signing algorithms include sha1, md5, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512, or sha-224NOTE: Although this new signing algorithm for MDN in the AS2 Adapter location requires the next release of our AS2 Servlets to be fully functional, it is still compatible with our current AS2 Servlet release.

MessageWay - Issue #4267 (Program changed: mwdisk - version

Issue 4267:
On Windows operating systems, when 'filename already exists' error is encountered during file output to disk, file is copied to 'temp' folder instead.  Once original filename on disk is removed, next delivery of same filename to disk causes file in 'temp' folder to be concatenated to same filename on disk.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4259 (Program changed: mwdistlist - version

Issue 4259:
When a distribution list location is configured to reference a subsequent distribution list location, the location status of the subsequent distribution list location is ignored.  For example, if the subsequent distribution list location status is 'On Hold' or 'Closed', these statuses are ignored.  Changes: A 'Non Recursive' check box has been added to the Distribution List tab of the MWDistList service to fix this problem.  The default behavior is still 'Recursive'.  NOTE: When checking or unchecking the 'Non Recursive' check box, the MWDistList service must be restarted for the change to take affect.

MessageWay - Issue #4269 (Program changed: mwemail - version

Issue 4269:
Inbound (POP3) emails with only body (no attachment) result in the Filename and Input Name attribute of the message being filled in from a previous email in the same location that did have an attachment.  Also related to this issue, some email clients do not fill in the name parameter of an email with attachment correctly, causing the Filename attribute of the message to default to the internal message store filename (MW<msg-id>.msg) and the Input Name attribute of the message to default to blank.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4244, 4246, 4262 (Program changed: mwftp - version

Issue 4244: Allow restriction of TLS protocol to TLS 1.2 only.  Changes: A new field named 'TLS V1.2 only' has been added to adapter/location to allow restriction of the TLS protocol to TLS 1.2 only.

Issue 4246: See Important Note about Security Updates for this release above.

Issue 4262: Force IP Address returned by a PASV response to be used for the data channel connection.  Changes: A new field named 'PASV IP' has been added to adapter/location to force IP Address returned by a PASV response to be used for the data channel connection.

MessageWay - Issue #4163, 4256, (Program changed: mwsftp - version

Issue 4163: 
Update MWSFTP Adapter to libssh version 0.7.4 to address CVE-2016-0739: Bits/bytes confusion resulting in truncated Diffie-Hellman secret length.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4256: MWSFTP Adapter causing high CPU usage and/or randomly aborting when tracing is enabled.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4244, 4246, 4248, 4275, 4276, 4279 (Program changed: mwsi - version

Issue 4244: Allow restriction of TLS protocol to TLS 1.2 only.  Changes: The mwsi has been changed to allow restriction of the TLS protocol to TLS 1.2 only. The mwsi configuration file can be modified to include a param 'Tls12Only' which when set to 'True' limits the SSL protocol to TLS 1.2 only. The default is 'False'.  Please refer to the new parameter in the sample configuration file mwsi.conf.samp. Copy and paste the description from the comments section and the parameter into your configuration file, and set the parameter to suit your needs. Don't forget to restart your SI server to make any changes to your configuration file take effect.

Issue 4246: See Important Note about Security Updates for this release above.

Issue 4248: After an interrupted session, messages that are canceled by the application are getting returned to an available status and processed subsequent times.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4275: Memory leak encountered in MWSI when parameter CompressOutbound is set to True in MWFTPD perimeter server configuration file.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4276: Need to improve message download performance in MWFTPD perimeter server when message to download is the result of a distribution list.  Changes: Unnecessary database interactions were removed to service this type of download request.

Issue 4279: Need to improve message transfer performance in perimeter servers.  Changes: We identified updates that occurred against the database more frequently than required, such as Last Activity Time on the Session entry and Size on the Message Header entry.  We feel we have maintained the functionality provided by the updates while being more selective of how often these updates are done.  We also identified socket option changes that improved TCP connection throughput.

MessageWay - Issue #4222, 4244, 4246, 4250, 4273 (Program changed: mwuser - version

Issue 4222: Various issues when displaying large messages in the Manager.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4244: Allow restriction of TLS protocol to TLS 1.2 only.  Changes: The mwuser server has been changed to allow restriction of the TLS protocol to TLS 1.2 only. The mwuser configuration file can be modified to include a param 'Tls12Only' which when set to 'True' limits the SSL protocol to TLS 1.2 only. The default is 'False'.  Please refer to the new parameter in the sample configuration file mwuser.conf.samp. Copy and paste the description from the comments section and the parameter into your configuration file, and set the parameter to suit your needs. Don't forget to restart your mwuser server to make any changes to your configuration file take effect.

Issue 4246: See Important Note about Security Updates for this release above.

Issue 4250: Find Archive Messages in the Manager is showing multiple occurrences of pre-MR05 archived message.
Changes: The mwuser server has been changed to exclude Archive Messages with a NULL value in ArchiveFileIndex (pre MR05 archive messages). Running convertarchive will update these messages to display correctly.

Issue 4273: Add audit logging for Rules Processing definitions (routing).  Changes: Additions, updates and deletions of Rules Processing definitions are now being written to the audit log.

MessageWay - Issue #4246 (Program changed:

Issue 4246:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this release above.

MessageWay - Issue #4163, 4277 (Program changed:,

Issue 4163: 
Update MWSFTP Adapter to libssh version 0.7.4 to address CVE-2016-0739: Bits/bytes confusion resulting in truncated Diffie-Hellman secret length.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4277: Update MWSFTP Adapter to libssh version 0.7.4 to address connection incompatability with certain SFTP servers.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  Note: This issue was originally omitted from the MR06 release notes.

MessageWay - Issue #4217 (Program changed:

Issue 4217:
Translator hangs when it encounters 30MB or greater xml input files.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4076, 4259, 4262, 4290 (Program changed: MessageWay Users Guide and Reference)

Issue 4076:
Add ability to select which signing algorithm is used for MDN.  Changes: The field 'Sign Algorithm' has been added to the AS2 tab of the AS2 Adapter location, which allows you to select the signing algorithm to be used on the MDN.  Valid signing algorithms include sha1, md5, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512, or sha-224NOTE: Although this new signing algorithm for MDN in the AS2 Adapter location requires the next release of our AS2 Servlets to be fully functional, it is still compatible with our current AS2 Servlet release.

Issue 4259: When a distribution list location is configured to reference a subsequent distribution list location, the location status of the subsequent distribution list location is ignored.  For example, if the subsequent distribution list location status is 'On Hold' or 'Closed', these statuses are ignored.  Changes: A 'Non Recursive' check box has been added to the Distribution List tab of the MWDistList service to fix this problem.  The default behavior is still 'Recursive'.  NOTE: When checking or unchecking the 'Non Recursive' check box, the MWDistList service must be restarted for the change to take affect.

Issue 4262: Force IP Address returned by a PASV response to be used for the data channel connection.  Changes: A new field named 'PASV IP' has been added to adapter/location to force IP Address returned by a PASV response to be used for the data channel connection.

Issue 4290: MDTM (modtime) command not implemented.  Changes: The MDTM (modtime) command was added to MWFTPD Server, and documentation was updated to include this new command.

( August 19, 2016 ) Issues closed in messageway-6.1.0-mr05-solaris

IMPORTANT NOTE about Security Updates for this release:
MessageWay now includes the OpenSSL 1.0.2h and FIPS 2.0.12 releases.

They address many vulnerabilities that can be found in the release notes on the site.

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of OpenSSL:

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of FIPS:

MessageWay - Issue #680 (Program changed: mwarchive.bin - version

Issue 680:
Add 'Find Archive Messages', 'Retrieve from Archive' and 'Archive Directory Maintenance' functionality to MessageWay.  Changes: This functionality has been added.

MessageWay - Issue #680 (Program changed: mwarchretrieve.bin - version

Issue 680:
Add 'Find Archive Messages', 'Retrieve from Archive' and 'Archive Directory Maintenance' functionality to MessageWay.  Changes: This functionality has been added.

MessageWay - Issue #4114 (Program changed: mwcustomproc - version

Issue 4114:
Insufficient error checking in custom proc service can allow files with content to become messages with no content when copied into message store.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4191 (Program changed: mwdisk - version

Issue 4191:
Add 'Overwrite file' functionality to disk output.  Changes: Added checkbox '[x] Overwrite file' in the 'Disk Output' tab to allow an output file to be overwritten if it already exists on disk.

MessageWay - Issue #4203 (Program changed: mwimp.bin - version

Issue 4203:
Expand the 'Perform Message Actions' right to represent each action the current right controls.  Changes: The 'Perform Message Actions' right has been replaced with ''Resubmit Messages', 'Redirect Messages', 'Release Messages', 'Restart Receive' and 'Cancel Messages' rights.  Also, 'View Logs' right has been added to control access to Audit Logs, Event Logs and Trace Logs.

MessageWay - Issue #680 (Program changed: mwmsg - version

Issue 680:
Add 'Find Archive Messages', 'Retrieve from Archive' and 'Archive Directory Maintenance' functionality to MessageWay.  Changes: This functionality has been added.

MessageWay - Issue #4041, 4080, 4158, 4198, 4203, 4225 (Program changed: mwsi - version

Issue 4041:
Decouple Service Interface session timeout from Manager timeout 'User Policies Logon Idle Lifetime'.  Changes: New parameter SessionTimeout has been added to mwsi.conf for each separate listener section.  This new parameter overrides Manager timeout 'User Policies Logon Idle Lifetime', which was previously used to timeout an SI listener session.  Valid values are in minutes, and if not specified, Manager timeout 'User Policies Logon Idle Lifetime' is still used as the default.

Issue 4080: In the file system, users must incorrectly have download rights in order to upload messages.  But what if user should only have upload rights but not download rights to file system mailbox?  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4158: FTP downloads fail when Class ID and NonStopCompat are both used.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4198: SQL open cursor leak in service interface.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4203: Expand the 'Perform Message Actions' right to represent each action the current right controls.  Changes: The 'Perform Message Actions' right has been replaced with ''Resubmit Messages', 'Redirect Messages', 'Release Messages', 'Restart Receive' and 'Cancel Messages' rights.  Also, 'View Logs' right has been added to control access to Audit Logs, Event Logs and Trace Logs.

Issue 4225: Transfer failure during a download results in message status being marked as Canceled instead of Available.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #680, 4203 (Program changed: mwuser - version

Issue 680:
Add 'Find Archive Messages', 'Retrieve from Archive' and 'Archive Directory Maintenance' functionality to MessageWay.  Changes: This functionality has been added.

Issue 4203: Expand the 'Perform Message Actions' right to represent each action the current right controls.  Changes: The 'Perform Message Actions' right has been replaced with ''Resubmit Messages', 'Redirect Messages', 'Release Messages', 'Restart Receive' and 'Cancel Messages' rights.  Also, 'View Logs' right has been added to control access to Audit Logs, Event Logs and Trace Logs.

MessageWay - Issue #4187 (Program changed:

Issue 4187:
Using Edibasic, the number of variables supported per scope (global, local, document or map) is limited to 128.  Changes: The limit per scope has been increased to 32,768.

MessageWay - Issue #680, 4191, 4203 (Program changed: MessageWay Users Guide and Reference)

Issue 680:
Add 'Find Archive Messages', 'Retrieve from Archive' and 'Archive Directory Maintenance' functionality to MessageWay.  Changes: This functionality has been added.

Issue 4191: Add 'Overwrite file' functionality to disk output.  Changes: Added checkbox '[x] Overwrite file' in the 'Disk Output' tab to allow an output file to be overwritten if it already exists on disk.

Issue 4203: Expand the 'Perform Message Actions' right to represent each action the current right controls.  Changes: The 'Perform Message Actions' right has been replaced with ''Resubmit Messages', 'Redirect Messages', 'Release Messages', 'Restart Receive' and 'Cancel Messages' rights.  Also, 'View Logs' right has been added to control access to Audit Logs, Event Logs and Trace Logs.

( April 13, 2016 ) Issues closed in messageway-6.1.0-mr04-solaris

IMPORTANT NOTE about Security Updates for this release (Issue-4025, 4144):
MessageWay now includes the OpenSSL 1.0.1r and FIPS 2.0.11 releases.

They address many vulnerabilities that can be found in the release notes on the site.

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of OpenSSL:

Specifically, see the following link for further details about this release of FIPS:

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4144, 4150 (Program changed: mwdistlist - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4150:
Add token replacement for recipients defined in a distribution list.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4144, 4153 (Program changed: mwemail - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4153:
Enhance adapter to support secure POP3 and SMTP connections to email server.  Changes: Added checkbox '[x] Secure' in the 'POP3' and 'SMTP' tabs to configure a secure connection to an email server.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4141, 4144 (Program changed: mwexp.bin - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4141:
Exporting large number of Folders can result in 'too many open cursors' error, causing the export to fail.  Changes: SQL cursor leaks were found and fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4124, 4129, 4144 (Program changed: mwftp - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4124:
There is a memory leak on FTP data channel when data channel is SSL, causing FTP Adapter to fail under heavy load conditions.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4129: When a remote file fails to be received into MWay because of a 'connect' error or a 'failure to delete' error, the message is marked in error, but the adapter does not try to receive the remote file on a later polling interval.  Other remote files in the same directory will be received on a later polling interval, but not the one which caused the error, until the adapter is restarted.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4141, 4144 (Program changed: mwimp.bin - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4141:
Importing large number of Folders can result in 'too many open cursors' error, causing the import to fail.  Changes: SQL cursor leaks were found and fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4108, 4144 (Program changed: mwlogging - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4108:
If logging server is not able to make connection to database, no retries are performed.  Changes: Logging server has been enhanced to attempt 5 retries at 5 second intervals before generating an event.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4106, 4144 (Program changed: mwsched - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4106:
File Receipt Monitor is generating false notifications even though files have been received on time.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4116, 4129, 4144 (Program changed: mwsftp - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4116:
Add SHA256 MAC algorithm support to SSH.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4129: When a remote file fails to be received into MWay because of a 'connect' error or a 'failure to delete' error, the message is marked in error, but the adapter does not try to receive the remote file on a later polling interval.  Other remote files in the same directory will be received on a later polling interval, but not the one which caused the error, until the adapter is restarted.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4144, 4148 (Program changed: mwsi - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4148:
Message status is not set correctly when an abort occurs during message download (message status is set to cancelled).  Changes: Message status is now set back to the original status before the download was attempted.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4144, 4149 (Program changed: mwuser - version

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 4149: Not able to view all trace records in Manager if there is more than one record in the Trace Logs (Oracle only).  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4025, 4144 (Program changed:

Issue 4025, 4144:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

MessageWay - Issue #4116 (Program

Issue 4116:
Add SHA256 MAC algorithm support to SSH.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4153 (Program changed: MessageWay Users Guide and Reference)

Issue 4153:
Enhance Email adapter to support secure POP3 and SMTP connections to email server.  Changes: The documentation has been updated to include the added checkbox '[x] Secure' in the 'POP3' and 'SMTP' tabs to configure a secure connection to an email server.

(May 15, 2015) Changes from messageway-6.1.0-mr03 rolled into current Maintenance Release

IMPORTANT NOTE about Security Updates for this release (Issue-3975):
MessageWay now includes the OpenSSL 0.9.8ze and FIPS 1.2.2 releases.

They address the following higher profile vulnerabilities and many others that can be found in the release notes on the site.

CVE-2014-0160, Heartbleed vulnerability, the OpenSSL 0.9.8.ze is not vulnerable to the issue outlined in this CVE report.
CVE-2014-0224, SSL/TLS MITM vulnerability, the OpenSSL 0.9.8.ze version contains the updates to address this vulnerability.
CVE-2014-3566, POODLE vulnerability, MessageWay no longer supports the SSLv3 protocol for secure sessions.
CVE-2015-0204, FREAK vulnerability, the OpenSSL 0.9.8.ze version contains the updates to address this vulnerability.

IMPORTANT NOTE about known issue with Scheduling for this release (Issue-3347):
When Daylight Saving Time (DST) comes into effect for a schedule’s time zone, an hour is skipped.  When DST ends, an hour is repeated.  To ensure that schedule triggers are not skipped or repeated, try to avoid configuring schedule start and end times in the two-hours window around the time when there are DST adjustments.

IMPORTANT NOTE about known issue with Multi-system environment for this release (Issue 4016):
In a Multi-system MessageWay environment, while the Manager is connecting to different systems and the user attempts a logon by clicking the Logon button from the toolbar (left most icon), the Manager may get into a hung state.  To avoid this issue, let the Manager complete the connection before clicking on the Logon button.

MessageWay - Issue #3914 (Program changed: mwarchive - version

Issue 3914:
When the Archive program encounters a DB error, a corrupted archive zip file is created.  Changes: Now when the Archive program encounters a DB error, any archive zip files created are deleted. Related entries in the archive messages table are removed. Also, updates applied to the messages table entries are backed out.

MessageWay - Issue #3958 (Program changed: mwas2 - version

Issue 3958:
The AS2 Adapter cores out when a message with missing payload is encountered.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4040 (Program changed: mwcompress - version

Issue 4040:
Unzipping a file that was zipped with JAVA JDK causes 0-length outputs to be created instead of valid length outputs.  Changes: JAVA JDK is not setting the file attributes crc, compressed and uncompressed size in the local file header.  JAVA JDK does set these attributes in the Central Directory Locator, so mwcompress was changed to use attributes from the Central Directory Locator when not set in the local file header.

MessageWay - Issue #3924, 3925, 3939, 3961 (Program changed: mwcustomio - version

Issue 3924:
When an input CustomIO location encounters an error, sometimes the message is marked as Available instead of marked as Receive Error.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3925:
When an input CustomIO location encounters an error and marks a message as Receive Error, this causes a file open leak, eventually resulting in a 'too many files open' issue.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3939:
When large amounts of error information are generated by a CustomIO or CustomProc location, this error information can slow down MessageWay to the point that the MWCustomIO Adapter or MWCustomProc Service shuts itself down.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3961:
A LNK line in a CustomIO or CustomProc status file creates a message alias for the input message. To be consistent with output from a distribution list or rules process location, the alias should be a child of the input message. Currently, it's a sibling. This is because the message alias is created with its Input Message ID set equal to its Message ID. Its Input Message ID should be the same as the Input Message ID of the input message.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3939, 3961 (Program changed: mwcustomproc - version

Issue 3939:
When large amounts of error information are generated by a CustomIO or CustomProc location, this error information can slow down MessageWay to the point that the MWCustomIO Adapter or MWCustomProc Service shuts itself down.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3961:
A LNK line in a CustomIO or CustomProc status file creates a message alias for the input message. To be consistent with output from a distribution list or rules process location, the alias should be a child of the input message. Currently, it's a sibling. This is because the message alias is created with its Input Message ID set equal to its Message ID. Its Input Message ID should be the same as the Input Message ID of the input message.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3997 (Program changed: mwdisk - version

Issue 3997:
Event text not being logged with inbound monitoring error event ERR_SYSTEM_IBMONITOR.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3975, 3995, 3997 (Program changed: mwemail - version

Issue 3975:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 3995:
Not able to deliver a message with an attached file when file has a content type of audio/mpeg (message is stuck in a Sending state).  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3997: Event text not being logged with inbound monitoring error event ERR_SYSTEM_IBMONITOR.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3919, 3975, 3997, 4002, 4047 (Program changed: mwftp - version

Issue 3919:
Why is an ''Inbound Messages Receipt Failure, attempting retry'' message written to the system event log when retry is not enabled for a MWFTP or MWSFTP location?  Also why is a 'warn 5006' error written to the system event log instead of a 'fail 5007' error?  Changes: The MWFTP and MWSFTP Adapters have been modified to log appropriate errors when they encounter connection failures versus directory configuration errors as follows:
A new 'warning 7011: FTP Connection Rejected' was added to log FTP and SFTP connection failures.
A new 'warning 7019: Configured directory is invalid' was added to log FTP and SFTP directory configuration errors. This warning replaces the previous 'warning 5006: Inbound Messages Receipt Failure, attempting retry'.
The 'Error 9017: Inbound Monitor Processing failed' replaces the previous 'Error 5007: Inbound Messages Receipt Failure on final retry'.

Issue 3975:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 3997:
Event text not being logged with inbound monitoring error event ERR_SYSTEM_IBMONITOR.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4002:
The ssl-poodle vulnerability has created the need to disable SSLv3 as a valid SSL protocol.  Changes: SSLv3 is no longer available in MessageWay and now only TLS is used. All MessageWay configuration files have been updated to reflect this change going forward, but existing configuration files will still work as is because the SSL option will simply be ignored.

Issue 4047: FTP Adapter location does not work correctly when a leading or trailing space is used in the URL.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3997 (Program changed: mwmq - version

Issue 3997:
Event text not being logged with inbound monitoring error event ERR_SYSTEM_IBMONITOR.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3766, 3916, 3926, 3939, 3992, 4073 (Program changed: mwmsg - version

Issue 3766:
Undocumented regression in hf02 caused an arrival or delivery notification for a file uploaded or downloaded from a location to report a sender and recipient that are not consistent with the message properties.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  "Uploaded by: user-id" has been replaced with "arrived successfully. Uploaded by: user-id".  "Downloaded by: user-id" has been replaced with "was successfully delivered. Downloaded by: user-id".

Issue 3916:
Web Client 6.0 does not work with file system hierarchy added in MWay 6.1.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3926:
Web Client 6.0 does not behave the same way as MWFTPD Server when a duplicate file name is uploaded to the file system hierarchy added in MWay 6.1.  Changes: If a second file with the same name is uploaded to a file system hierarchy location, the first file will be canceled and the second file will be accepted for upload.

Issue 3939:
When large amounts of error information are generated by a CustomIO or CustomProc location, this error information can slow down MessageWay to the point that the MWCustomIO Adapter or MWCustomProc Service shuts itself down.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3992: When attempting to upload a message into the file system hierarchy (HMS) using FTP Server, and the upload fails, the message is left in a Receive Error status and is not available to be canceled. Prior to HMS, this was acceptable behavior, but in HMS, due to filenames can be duplicated, this issue prevents a message with the same filename from being uploaded.  Changes: The Manager has been changed to allow a message in Receive Error to be Cancelled and the FTP Server has been changed to recognize this Receive Error scenario and auto Cancel the message if no restart is attempted.

Issue 4073: Randomly generated Message ID's such as '20150428141848afails' or '20150428141848errors' should not be allowed.  Changes: The algorithm used to randomly generate Message ID's has been modified to replace vowels 'a', 'e', 'i' and 'o' with 'w', 'x', 'y' and 'z' respectively.

MessageWay - Issue #738, 1785, 2127, 3098, 3347, 3466, 3937, 3938, 3940, 3997, 4004 (Program changed: mwsched - version

Issue 738:
If a Receipt Schedule is changed after the start time of that schedule, false notifications will be generated. For example, if a schedule is set for 1pm to 3pm and at 2pm the schedule is changed, the resultant notifications are wrong for that day. However, for all subsequent days the notifications are correct.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 1785:
When using a Monthly Receipt Notification, with a time set for 11pm-11:59pm, the notification is sent on the previous day at 11:59pm.  The problem happens whether a timezone on the schedule is specified or not.  This appears to be a problem with GMT interpretation. Further research has shown that any Monthly Receipt Schedules that are configured within the GMT offset of midnight will generate a notification on the previous day and the contents of the notification may be wrong.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 2127:
A week prior to DST transitions, Receipt Schedule notifications are falsely being generated because the schedule is ahead an hour. The start and stop time in the adapter was correct but the email notification was incorrect, though the file was received on time. The same problem occurred with Location Schedules. If a timezone was not specifically selected in the schedule (i.e. it defaults to local time) the Daylight Saving Time (DST) calculation was wrong.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3098:
DST transitions in Location Schedules are not processed correctly because the InUse field on Timezones is always null. InUse should be set to 'T' whenever a Location Schedule is modified and the Timezone is non-blank. This is handled properly for Receipt Schedules.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3347:
After DST transitions, Location Schedules are running 1 hour earlier than they should be.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.  See Important Note about known issue with Scheduling for this release above.

Issue 3466:
When a Receipt Schedule is setup to use a Holiday Schedule and the time that the Receipt Schedule is configured to monitor falls on a holiday and the close time is within the GMT offset of midnight, a false notification will be generated.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issues 3937, 3938:
Receipt Schedule notifications being generated for days not currently configured in Receipt Schedule.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3940:
Daily, weekly or monthly Receipt Schedules that are copied then edited to create new schedules generate false and incorrect notifications along with the correct notifications.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3997:
Event text not being logged with inbound monitoring error event ERR_SYSTEM_IBMONITOR.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4004:
Deleting a Location with a Schedule after changing status of Location from ON_HOLD to RELEASE reports “Access Denied”.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3863, 3919, 3950, 3971, 3975, 3997, 4047 (Program changed: mwsftp - version

Issue 3863:
SFTP Adapter not able to send files greater than 2MB to IBM's Sterling SFTP Server (Maverick_SSHD).  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issues 3919, 3950:
Why is an ''Inbound Messages Receipt Failure, attempting retry'' message written to the system event log when retry is not enabled for a MWFTP or MWSFTP location?  Also why is a 'warn 5006' error written to the system event log instead of a 'fail 5007' error?  Changes: The MWFTP and MWSFTP Adapters have been modified to log appropriate errors when they encounter connection failures versus directory configuration errors as follows:
A new 'warning 7011: FTP Connection Rejected' was added to log FTP and SFTP connection failures.
A new 'warning 7019: Configured directory is invalid' was added to log FTP and SFTP directory configuration errors. This warning replaces the previous 'warning 5006: Inbound Messages Receipt Failure, attempting retry'.
The 'Error 9017: Inbound Monitor Processing failed' replaces the previous 'Error 5007: Inbound Messages Receipt Failure on final retry'.

Issue 3971:
Allow SFTP Adapter to always accept new Server Key with each new session.  Currently SFTP Adapter only allows a new server key to be accepted once, then it needs to be manually reset to accept the next new key.  Changes: Added checkbox '[x] Always' in the 'SFTP Auth' tab to always accept a new server key.

Issue 3975:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 3997:
Event text not being logged with inbound monitoring error event ERR_SYSTEM_IBMONITOR.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4047:
SFTP Adapter Outbound location does not work correctly if a trailing '/' is used at the end of the folder path.  Also SFTP Adapter location does not work correctly when a leading or trailing space is used in the URL.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3916, 3922, 3931, 3933, 3946, 3956, 3958, 3959, 3964, 3966, 3969, 3975, 3992, 3994, 3996, 4002, 4010, 4012, 4031, 4032, 4062 (Program changed: mwsi - version

Issue 3916:
Web Client 6.0 does not work with file system hierarchy added in MWay 6.1.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3922:
Java errors with AS2 servlets when high message volumes encountered.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3931:
Line ending characters not changing to the native platform values for text mode uploads via Web Client 6.0.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3933:
Users are not restricted to access MessageWay using “Access Class” via Web Client 6.0.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3946:
Access Class inheritance from User Security Group to User is sometimes lost.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3956: Downloading a message via Web Client 6.0 that has had its 'Contents Deleted On Complete/Cancel' causes the service interface to abort.  Changes: The download attempt will now fail gracefully with an appropriate error message written on the ERROR button of Web Client.

Issue 3958:
The AS2 Adapter cores out when a message with missing payload is encountered.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3959:
When uploading a message via Web Client 6.0, the location name entered in the Recipient: field must be entered in same case as defined in MessageWay or message payload is put in wrong place and not able to be viewed, processed or downloaded.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3964:
Trailing line ending character being incorrectly removed for text mode uploads via Web Client 6.0 when no line ending conversion is required.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3966:
Web Client 6.0 does not populate Output Name attribute in Manager when a message is downloaded.  Changes: Output Name now gets set to the remote name specified during the download.

Issue 3969:
Web Client 6.0 incorrectly displays 'Password Change Failure' dialog box when in fact the password was successfully changed in MessageWay.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3975:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 3992:
When attempting to upload a message into the file system hierarchy (HMS) using FTP Server, and the upload fails, the message is left in a Receive Error status and is not available to be canceled. Prior to HMS, this was acceptable behavior, but in HMS, due to filenames can be duplicated, this issue prevents a message with the same filename from being uploaded.  Changes: The Manager has been changed to allow a message in Receive Error to be Canceled and the FTP Server has been changed to recognize this Receive Error scenario and auto Cancel the message if no restart is attempted.

Issue 3994:
Memory leaks in service interface and user interface when performing secure connections into MessageWay.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3996:
When a message download from the file system hierarchy is aborted, the message is left in an inconsistent state.  The message does not have a status icon, it cannot be canceled and an attempt to view its properties results in 'Access Violation'.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4002:
The ssl-poodle vulnerability has created the need to disable SSLv3 as a valid SSL protocol.  Changes: SSLv3 is no longer available in MessageWay and now only TLS is used. All MessageWay configuration files have been updated to reflect this change going forward, but existing configuration files will still work as is because the SSL option will simply be ignored.

Issue 4010:
Regression in the way that SFTP Server handles Private/Public key authentication when a users password has expired.  Changes: An expired user password will not prevent a Private/Public key authenticated user from successfully logging into MessageWay using the SFTP Server.

Issue 4012:
Add DenyUsers functionality to SFTP Server to help prevent 'brute force attacks' from using up valuable system resources in the service interface.  Changes:  New parameter DenyUsers can now be configured in mwsftpd_config file to specify list of users that should not be allowed thru to the service interface via SFTP Server.

Issue 4031:
“Delete on Complete” fails to remove payload from msgstore when a message in the file system hierarchy is renamed or moved via a perimeter server or script.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4032:
The service interface logs an incorrect audit action of 'Release' when a message is redirected.  Changes: The audit action logged has been changed from 'Release' to 'Redirect'.

Issue 4062: FTP command "SIZE filename" returns a size 0 in ASCII mode when a message is not the original message but a related message.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #4059 (Program changed: mwtranslator - version

Issue 4059:
Memory leak in the translator runtime module.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3098, 3347, 3918, 3946, 3971, 3975, 3983, 3994, 4002 (Program changed: mwuser - version

Issue 3098:
DST transitions in Location Schedules are not processed correctly because the InUse field on Timezones is always null. InUse should be set to 'T' whenever a Location Schedule is modified and the Timezone is non-blank. This is handled properly for Receipt Schedules.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3347: After DST transitions, Location Schedules are running 1 hour earlier than they should be.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3918:
Provide a configurable option to disable the F6 function key (displays SQL statements) in the MessageWay Manager.  Changes: New parameter DisableF6 has been added to mwuser.conf.  Valid values are true or false, with false being the default.

Issue 3946:
Access Class inheritance from User Security Group to User is sometimes lost.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3971:
Allow SFTP Adapter to always accept new Server Key with each new session.  Currently SFTP Adapter only allows a new server key to be accepted once, then it needs to be manually reset to accept the next new key.  Changes: Added checkbox '[x] Always' in the 'SFTP Auth' tab to always accept a new server key.

Issue 3975: See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

Issue 3983:
Performing a ‘Find Messages’ search for messages based on ‘size’ and choosing a size over 2.5 GB (2500000000) fails and displays a negative value for size and percent in the ‘Message Query Details’.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3994:
Memory leaks in service interface and user interface when performing secure connections into MessageWay.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4002:
The ssl-poodle vulnerability has created the need to disable SSLv3 as a valid SSL protocol.  Changes: SSLv3 is no longer available in MessageWay and now only TLS is used. All MessageWay configuration files have been updated to reflect this change going forward, but existing configuration files will still work as is because the SSL option will simply be ignored.

MessageWay - Issue #3975 (Program changed:

Issue 3975:
See Important Note about Security Updates for this issue above.

MessageWay - Issue #3863 (Program

Issue 3863:
SFTP Adapter not able to send files greater than 2MB to IBM's Sterling SFTP Server (Maverick_SSHD).  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3941 (Program changed:

Issue 3941:
Translator Service aborting while translating X12 835 to Proprietary standard.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3922, 4044 (Program changed: MessageWay Installation Guide)

Issue 3922:
Update documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has verified our AS2 package running with apache-tomcat-7.0.56.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4044: Update copyright to 2015 in documentation.  Also remove all references to SSLv3 from documentation.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3496 (Program changed: MessageWay Service Interface API)

Issue 3496:
This document incorrectly states that a C++ API is supported.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3922, 3928, 3971, 3974, 3991, 4044 (Program changed: MessageWay Users Guide and Reference)

Issue 3922:
Update documentation to reflect that Ipswitch has verified our AS2 package running with apache-tomcat-7.0.56.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3928
: The table of actions that can be selected for a Trigger Schedule incorrectly states that the Execute Now and Input Now actions override closed schedules and locations on hold.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3971:
Allow SFTP Adapter to always accept new Server Key with each new session.  Currently SFTP Adapter only allows a new server key to be accepted once, then it needs to be manually reset to accept the next new key.  Changes: Added checkbox '[x] Always' in the 'SFTP Auth' tab to always accept a new server key.

Issue 3974: Update documentation to reflect that the SFTP Server is now based on OpenSSH_6.6.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3991: Regarding EventLog record retention, update "What's This" help and "MessageWay Users Guide and Reference" to state that the Audit File retention settings also control the EventLog record retention settings.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 4044: Update copyright to 2015 in documentation.  Also remove all references to SSLv3 from documentation.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

(October 24, 2013) Changes from messageway-6.1.0-hf02 rolled into current Maintenance Release

MessageWay - Issue #1723 (Program changed: mwmq.exe - version

Issue 1723: Enhance the MessageWay WebSphere MQ Adapter to provide context information for output locations. Changes: Added new context fields to the MQ Output tab: Application Identity Data, Application Origin, Application Name, Accounting Token and User Id. The Application Type attribute is set to Unix or Windows automatically depending on the platform where the MWMQ adapter is running. Also added an End of Line field so users can choose the EOL character depending on their needs: Unchanged, CRLF (Windows) or NL (UNIX).

MessageWay - Issue #3761 (Program changed: mwsi.exe - version

Issue 3761: In previous versions of MessageWay, an upload by a remote client results in a message where the remote client's default location provides the message sender. In version 6.1, this changed: the remote client's user ID provides the message sender. Changes: To provide the default functionality of previous versions of MessageWay, the sender/source of an uploaded message has been reverted to the sender's default location. To allow users to change the sender of uploaded messages, a new parameter has been added to the Listener Configurations section in the configuration file mwsi.conf. Users can set the parameter SenderIsUser=True to change the sender of an uploaded file to the name of the sender instead of the sender's default location. Please refer to the new parameter in the sample configuration file mwsi.conf.samp. Copy and paste the description from the comments section and the parameter into your configuration file, and set the parameter to suit your needs. Don't forget to restart your SI server to make any changes to your configuration file take effect. 

MessageWay - Issue #3522, 3766, 3838 (Program changed: mwmsg.exe - version

Issue 3522: A message alias is created when a remote client downloads a file from the File System. This alias records the successful download while the original message remains in the Available state. The alias is always created with Input_Message_ID set to the same value as its Message_ID. In most cases, this ensures that Get Related Messages for the Available message and for the downloaded message are successful and list all relevant messages. But if an operator redirected some unrelated Complete message to the File System mailbox and that message was downloaded by the remote client, Get Related Messages for the Available message did not list the downloaded message and Get Related Messages for the downloaded message resulted in an exception. Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3766: A delivery notification for a file downloaded from a traditional or file system mailbox reported sender and recipient that were not consistent with the message properties.  Changes: This problem has been fixed. In addition, the notification reports the user who downloads the message.

Issue 3838: The Delete on Complete option did not apply to messages marked Canceled, which meant that messages addressed to a file system mailbox were never eligible for delete on complete. Changes: The Delete on Complete option was enhanced to apply to Canceled messages as well.

MessageWay - Issue #3097, 3820, 3873, 3882 (Program changed: mwuser.exe - version

Issue 3097:  With an Oracle database, MessageWay Manager displayed file sizes greater than 2GB as negative numbers. This does not occur with MySQL databases. Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3820: In MessageWay Manager, system monitor counts did not include messages in the Schedule Wait state.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3873: In MessageWay Manager, invalid rights were applied when moving or copying an object from one folder to another. For example, when copying a folder to another path that had inherit permissions enabled, the newly copied folder retained its original rights, including those inherited from parent folders, and had the new rights applied as well. Changes: Behavior is different depending on whether you do a copy and paste or a cut and paste/move.  When you copy and paste an existing object (location, rules profile or key), MessageWay will remove all access rights that have been inherited from the objects current parent folder and update all inherited access rights from the objects new parent folder. When you cut and paste/move an existing object (folder, location, rules profile or key), MessageWay will retain all access rights that have been inherited from the objects current parent folder. To update the inherited access rights to those of the objects new parent folder, for each user and group on the list, you must first clear the Inherit new users/groups box and then recheck the box. After moving a folder, the access rights must be correctly updated for the folder itself and for all of its offspring (sub-folders, locations, rules profiles and keys).

Issue 3882: With an Oracle database, use of the various Find options in MessageWay Manager could result in a permanent increase of one open cursor for each session (Logon, queries, Logoff), no matter how many queries were initiated.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3809 (Program changed: mwcustomio.exe - version

Issue 3809: MWCustomIO Input did not produce a Receive Error message for non-zero exit codes nor when a Status file was used (with a zero exit code). Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3848, 3869 (Program changed: mwimp.exe - version

Issue 3848, 3869: Import utility did not enforce encrypted storage of passwords in the application database for users or locations. This also caused an error where the UNZIP compression service occasionally incorrectly reported that the supplied password was invalid. Changes: This problem has been fixed.

MessageWay - Issue #3868 (Program changed: mwexp.exe - version

Issue 3868: Export utility did not export empty location folders, that is folders that contained no locations. Changes: The export utility has been enhanced and now exports all location folders, whether they contain locations or not.

MessageWay - Issue #2806, 3870 (Program changed: mwsftp.exe - version

Issue 2806: MWSFTP adapter could not send or receive files greater than 64GB. Changes: This problem has been fixed.

Issue 3870:  Users could not set file permissions on files transferred with the SFTP adapter. The files were always created with a default value of 640. Changes: Enhanced the mwsftp adapter to allow users to set the file permissions in a Create Mode field on MWSFTP Adapter or location properties, similar to what users can do on UNIX/Linux systems with the Disk adapter.

MessageWay - Issue #3874 (Program changed: mwcompress.exe - version

Issue 3874:  When the MW compression service processed a valid zip archive that has no file(s) in the archive, it marked the message as complete, even though the process did not produce output. Changes: This problem has been fixed. When the compression service uncompresses an empty archive, it sets the properties of the message to an Error state and a Reject processing status. The Error detail tab reads "Processing Failure, manual retry: Empty ZIP Archive."

MessageWay - Issue #3861 (Program changed: mwres - version

Issue 3861: The MessageWay RES client did not correctly process the configuration file setting for timeout or the command line setting (-t). Changes: This problem with the RES client has been fixed. 

MessageWay Translator Service - Issues #3313 (Files changed:

Issue 3313: The MessageWay Translator Service did not correctly process translations that used the X12 006020 standard. Changes: This problem has been fixed.

(May 31, 2011) Changes from messageway-6.1.0-hf01 rolled into current Maintenance Release

The general purpose of this Hotfix is to support MessageWay Web Client. Please also refer to the document "MessageWay Web Client Release Notes."

MessageWay - Issue #3535 (Program changed: mwsi.exe - version

Issue 3535:
There was an error condition in how the MWSI server handled messages of a very specific size, causing the message to be rejected, leaving a message in receive error with a length of zero.  This message size could vary and depended on the chunk size the client process was using to structure the http encoded messages sent to MWSI.  Changes: This problem has been fixed.


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