
<注意> 此范例仅供说明之用,本公司不提供技术支持。Ipswitch 为内容对象、SNMP API 和脚本环璄提供技术支持服务,但不对 JScript、VBScript,或活动脚本监控工具或操作的开发及侦错提供支持服务。如需此范例或自行编写脚本方面的协助,请造访 WhatsUp Gold 用户社群论坛


sComputer = Context.GetProperty("Address")
nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty("DeviceID")

'Assuming ICMP is not blocked and there's a ping monitor on the device, we want to
'perform the actual check only if the Ping monitor is up.ConnectServer method of
'the SWbemLocator has a long time out so it would be good to avoid unnecessary tries.
'Please note:there's no particular polling order of active monitors on a device.
'During each polling cycle, it's possible that this monitor could be polled before
'Ping is polled.If the network connection just goes down but Ping is not polled yet,
'and therefore still has an up state, this active monitor will still do an actual
'check and experience a real down.But for the subsequent polls, it won't be doing a
'real check (ConnectServer won't be called) as Ping monitor has a down state, and this
'monitor will be assumed down.
If IsPingUp(nDeviceID) = false Then
Context.SetResult 1,"Actual check was not performed due to ping being down.Automatically set to down."
sAdminName = Context.GetProperty("CredWindows:DomainAndUserid")
sAdminPasswd = Context.GetProperty("CredWindows:Password")
sLoginUser = GetCurrentLoginUser(sComputer, sAdminName, sAdminPasswd)
sExpectedUser = "administrator"

If Not IsNull(sLoginUser) Then
If instr(1,sLoginUser, sExpectedUser,1) > 0 Then
Context.SetResult 0,"Current login user is " & sLoginUser
ElseIf sLoginUser = " " Then
Context.SetResult 0,"No one is currently logged in."
Context.SetResult 1,"an unexpected user " & sLoginUser & " has logged in " & sComputer
End If
End If
End If

'Check if Ping monitor on the device specified by nDeviceID is up.
'If nDeviceID is not available as it's in the case during discovery, then assume
'ping is up.
'If ping monitor is not on the device, then assume it's up so the real check will be
Function IsPingUp(nDeviceID)
If nDeviceID > -1 Then
'get the Ping monitor up state.
sSqlGetUpState = "SELECT sStateName from PivotActiveMonitorTypeToDevice as P join " & _
"ActiveMonitorType as A on P.nActiveMonitorTypeID=A.nActiveMonitorTypeID " & _
"join MonitorState as M on P.nMonitorStateID = M.nMonitorStateID " & _
"where nDeviceID=" & nDeviceID & " and A.sMonitorTypeName='Ping' and " & _
" P.bRemoved=0"

Set oDBconn = Context.GetDB
Set oStateRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oStateRS.Open sSqlGetUpState,oDBconn,3

'if recordset is empty then
If oStateRS.RecordCount = 1 Then
If instr(1,oStateRS("sStateName"),"up",1) > 0 Then
IsPingUp = true
IsPingUP = false
End If
'if there's no ping on the device, then just assume up, so regular check will happen.
IsPingUp= true
End If

Set oStateRS = Nothing
Set oDBconn = Nothing

'assume up, since there's no device yet.It's for scanning during discovery.
IsPingUP = true
End If
End Function

'Try to get the current login user name.
Function GetCurrentLoginUser(sComputer, sAdminName, sAdminPasswd)
Set oSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
On Error Resume Next
Set oSWbemServices = oSWbemLocator.ConnectServer _
(sComputer, "root\cimv2",sAdminName,sAdminPasswd)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Context.LogMessage("The 1st try to connect to " & sComputer & " failed.Err:"& Err.Description)
'If the specified user name and password for WMI connection failed, then
'try to connect without user name and password.Can't specify user name
'and password when connecting to local machine.
On Error Resume Next
Set oSWbemServices = oSWbemLocator.ConnectServer(sComputer, "root\cimv2")

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
Context.SetResult 1,"Failed to access " & sComputer & " " & _
"using username:"& sAdminName & " password."& " Err:" & Err.Description
Exit Function
End If

End If

Set colSWbemObjectSet = oSWbemServices.InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem")

For Each oSWbemObject In colSWbemObjectSet
On Error Resume Next
'Context.SetResult 0,"User Name:" & oSWbemObject.UserName & " at " & sComputer
sCurrentLoginUser = oSWbemObject.UserName

If Cstr(sCurrentLoginUser) ="" Then
GetCurrentLoginUser = " "
GetCurrentLoginUser = sCurrentLoginUser
End If

Set oSWbemServices = Nothing
Set oSWbemLocator = Nothing

End Function






监控在非标准端口上执行的 SNMP 代理程序

监控不明的 MAC 地址