PowerShell 操作脚本提供两个实体化的对象,使得执行操作能够成功:
您可在 PowerShell 操作脚本中使用以下环境变量:
请参阅百分号标识的变量一节列出可用于 PowerShell 操作脚本的百分号标识的变量列表。
重要 在 PowerShell 脚本中将百分号标识的变量当成字符串文字时,请以双引号 (" ") 包住字符串文字,不要使用单引号 (' ')。例如:$Message = "%Device.DisplayName changed state"。
用户可以配置脚本的超时值 (以秒为单位)。若脚本在超时值到期之前还是没有执行完成,操作就会直接中止。
例 1:
# This example plays a sound file
# Point to an existing wav file
$wavFile = "C:\temp\Sound1.wav"
# Create a .NET SoundPlayer object
$sound = new-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer;
# Play the file
# Report the action results.The text will also be logged
$Context.SetResult($result, "Sound action completed")
例 2:
# This example sends an email
# Change this value to the recipient
$to = "target_email"
# Change this value to the sender
$from = "source_email"
# This line creates a .NET object for the message
$message = New-Object system.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from, $to
$message.Subject = "Notification from " + $Context.GetProperty("DisplayName")
$message.Body = "Address is down:" + $Context.GetProperty("Address")
# Name the mail server
$server = "alpha.ipswitch.com"
# Create a .NET object to represent the mail client
$client = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $server
$client.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
$result = 1
# Send the message.If no exception is thrown, consider it a success
try {
$result = 0
catch {
$result = 1
# Report the action results.The text will also be logged
$Context.SetResult($result, "Email Action Completed")