Searching for devices with interface traffic

If you have Flow Monitor, you can use the device right-click menu Host Search option to display the interfaces over which traffic has been transmitted to or from a specific device.

To search for device interface traffic:

  1. Click the Device tab, then click Devices. The Device page appears.
  2. From the Details View or Map View, right-click a device, then click Host Search. The Host Search dialog appears.
    The top portion of this dialog provides specific information about the device for which you searched.
    • Host name. Displays the full host name of the device.
    • IP address. Displays the IP address of the device.
    • Domain. Displays the domain or group to which the device belongs.
    • Country. Displays the country to which the public IP address of this device is assigned.
    • Last resolved. Displays the date and time when the last record of the device was recorded on any interface.

    The lower portion of this dialog displays specific interfaces over which the device transmitted traffic. This table shows the interface name, the amount of data recorded in the 24 hours prior to that date, and the date traffic was last recorded.

To view data where the selected host generated the traffic:

Select Sender. To view data where the selected host received the traffic, select Receiver.

By default, the Traffic and Last Data Recorded columns do not display information. To view information for these columns, select Show Traffic and Last Data Recorded.

See Also

Using Devices

Viewing devices in WhatsUp Gold

Understanding device and monitor states

Understanding state changes

About device icons

Using credentials

Searching for devices

Understanding group access and user rights for Find Device