Translation Groups

The language in which WhatsUp Gold is displayed is dependant on the user's web browser settings by default. However, languages can be configured in the WhatsUp Gold web interface (Admin > Translation). The language can be changed by selecting another language from the Language list. To choose a language not included in the list, click browse (...) to go to the Language Library.

You can use the Translation Groups dialog to translate content in one of two ways. You can either export the entire user interface for translation, or you can translate one page each time.

Note: To use the import/export translation features, you must have the Translations rights option turned on.

For more information about translation, see the WhatsUp Gold Translation Guide.

See Also

System Administration

Managing WhatsUp Gold server options

Using the SNMP MIB Manager

Setting LDAP or Cisco ACS credentials

Setting Cisco ACS credentials

Browse Active Directory

Managing users and groups

Using the Polling Configuration Library

Using the Task Library