Issuing User Rights and Device Access Rights conservatively

When you first start using WhatsUp Gold, device group access rights are not enabled. This approach makes it easy for users to discover and monitor network devices.

When you start adding users to the WhatsUp Gold system Ipswitch recommends enabling device group access rights and assigning users to home device groups. This limits users to specific sets of devices and also restricts the operations a user can perform on a device.

When you create new user accounts, no user rights are assigned to users by default. When assigning user rights, either directly or by using user groups, make sure that you assign only those rights required by users to perform their jobs.

A good general rule is to give users the minimum access needed to perform their job. For more information, see Managing user accounts and user groups for relevant procedures and additional information.

See Also

Security Guidelines

Security guidelines overview

Security best practices

Limiting access to the WhatsUp Gold Administration Console

Limiting Access to the WhatsUp Gold Tools and Utilities

Monitoring WhatsUp Gold health and disk usage to prevent data loss

Set the WhatsUp Gold server platform to use FIPS cryptography

Using WhatsUp Gold password management