Wireless Client Groups Interface

To view the clients associated with a specific group, click the icon WhatsWireless Client Polling Detail to the left of the group name. The main line item expands to show a list of each client's MAC address.

To add a new client group:

  1. Click Add new group to launch the Add new group dialog.
  2. Enter a name for the new client group.
  3. Enter or copy and paste a delimited list of MAC addresses and/or MAC prefixes in the applicable data entry box.
  4. Click Update. The client group appears in the Manage Client Groups table.

To edit a group name:

  1. Click Edit to the right of the group you want to modify.
  2. Enter the updated group name in the data entry box.
  3. Click Update to save changes.

To delete a group:

  1. Click Delete to the right of the group you want to remove.
  2. Click OK.

See Also

Configuring Wireless Client Groups