Using WhatsUp Gold password management

WhatsUp Gold has two default user accounts named Admin and Guest. After WhatsUp Gold is installed, set strong passwords for these accounts to prevent unauthorized access. Follow the password complexity requirements below.

Additionally, Ipswitch recommends requiring all users to change their passwords at least once every three months. Be sure to send reminders to users to change their passwords on a regular basis.

The password change function is available in the WhatsUp Gold web interface Admin > Preferences dialog. Users must have the Change Your Password user right to change their password.

Password Complexity Requirements

Minimum strength passwords:

Users whose password are set (or reset) by a WhatsUp Gold authorized user must change their passwords. Users must have the Change Your Password user right to change their password.

To change your WhatsUp Gold web interface password:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Preferences. The User Preferences dialog appears.
  2. Click Change your password. The Change Password dialog appears.
  3. Enter your existing password into the Enter Current Password box.
  4. Enter a new password into the Enter New Password and Confirm Password boxes.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Security Guidelines

Security guidelines overview

Security best practices

Limiting access to the WhatsUp Gold Administration Console

Limiting Access to the WhatsUp Gold Tools and Utilities

Issuing User Rights and Device Access Rights conservatively

Monitoring WhatsUp Gold health and disk usage to prevent data loss

Set the WhatsUp Gold server platform to use FIPS cryptography