Browse Active Directory

Use the Browse Active Directory dialog to select the Active Directory (AD) groups from which you want to allow users to log in to WhatsUp Gold.

To select groups from the Browse Active Directory dialog:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > LDAP Credentials. The LDAP Credentials dialog appears.

    Note: Ensure the correct Active Directory server is configured (Domain Controller, port and server type). For more information see Setting LDAP Credentials.

  2. Click Browse. The Browse Active Directory dialog appears.
  3. Enter a valid user name that has access to the LDAP or Active Directory server in the User Name box.
  4. Enter the password associated with the user name in the Password box.
  5. Press Tab. The list of the most used AD groups appears.

    Tip: You can see all of the groups available on the AD server by selecting Show all groups.

  6. Select the AD groups you want to map to WhatsUp Gold groups.

    Tip: Click Check all to select all of the displayed AD groups. Click Clear all to clear all of the selected AD groups.

  7. Click OK to save changes. The Browse Active Directory dialog closes and the selected AD groups appear on the LDAP Credentials dialog in the AD group list.
  8. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Setting LDAP or Cisco ACS credentials

Test LDAP credentials