To install a poller on another network machine, you must obtain the install file from the Download Now link on the WhatsUp Gold support site (Start > All Programs > Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold vX > Get Remote Poller).
The following are prerequisites for installing an additional poller on your WhatsUp Gold system:
Note: After a poller is installed on a remote machine, you can modify the poller User name and Password in the Windows Credential Manager, accessible via the Windows Control Panel. Ensure you log in to this machine using the same user credentials used during the poller installation. You can also run the remote machine poller install program (repair install) on the target poller system to change the user name and password.
Note: System polling and reporting times are based on the WhatsUp Gold system clock and time-zone settings.
To install the WhatsUp Gold poller:
Important: Following installation, you will need the poller name to successfully add the poller to the configuration library in WhatsUp Gold. See Configuring the Poller for additional details.
Note: The default port shown in the WhatsUp Gold installation info dialog is 9713. This is the port assigned to the WhatsUp Gold host system and should not be altered unless the port on the WhatsUp Gold machine/polling controller has been changed.
Note: In order for a poller to connect to WhatsUp Gold, you'll need to enable communication on the following ports: TCP 9713 - Polling Data Communications and TCP - 9730 Polling Control Communications.
Note: WhatsUp Gold Poller inherits the security attributes in place on the machine on which it is installed. It is recommended that the poller be installed using an administrator-level Windows account.
Note: To modify applicable credentials after installation, access the Windows Vault from the Control Panel of the machine on which the WhatsUp Gold Poller is installed.