SSH Performance Monitor Check component boxes
You may configure the following boxes for the SSH Performance Monitor Check component:
- . Enter a unique name for the component.
- . (Optional) Enter additional information about the component.
- . Click to select this check box if the component is critical.
: Components specified as critical cause the application to go into a down state when the component is out of threshold. Non-critical components cause the application to go into a warning state. For more information on application states, see Working with application states.
- .Select a time (in minutes or hours) you want APM to wait between polls.
. Enter the command to execute on the device. This command can be anything that a device can interpret and run; for example, a basic UNIX shell command or Perl script. Select one of the following script options:
- . The command or script must return a single numeric value. The script can be as complex as required, but MUST only return a numeric value. For example, old, single-line unix-style:
free -m | awk 'NR==2{print $3}'
This is the script format required prior to WhatsUp Gold 16.2.3. - . This script is not constrained to only returning single numeric values; however, the output MUST contain the string 'Result=xxxx' where xxxx represents a numeric value. For example, new multi-line linux-style:
echo Result=$(free -m | awk 'NR==2{print $3}')
This new script format, available in WhatsUp Gold 16.2.3 and later, supports all the features of the target script interpreters without burdening the script developer to limit the output to a single numeric value.
- . Select the appropriate character type; either None, Linefeed, Carriage return, or Carriage return linefeed. Multiline scripts are entered and persisted on a Windows operating system, and include line-ending characters that may not be recognized on the target device. This configuration feature instructs WhatsUp Gold to replace the line-ending characters with the selected characters prior to connection and command execution.
- . Enter the component thresholds for the warning state. For example, if the component value is greater than 90 for 5 minutes, put the component in the warning state.
- . Enter the component thresholds for the down state. For example, if the component value is greater than 95 for 5 minutes, put the component in the down state.