Top NBAR Applications and CBQoS Report

The Top NBAR Applications report displays the top applications as identified using Cisco's NBAR classification engine, while the Class Based Quality of Service (CBQoS) report provides information about the effectiveness of class-based policies applied to an interface for all of the defined classes.

You can refine these reports in several ways.

Exporting, emailing, scheduling and managing reports

Use the Export Export button icon, at the top right of the page, to export reports. Use the Email Email button icon to E-mail a report or to manage Scheduled Reports. For more information see, Using Scheduled Reports in Flow Monitor: printing, exporting, and emailing reports.

Exporting individual dashboard report data

Use the Export button on a dashboard report's menu to export data to either a text file, Microsoft Excel, or a PDF. For more information, see Exporting report data.