Managing dashboard views

WhatsUp Gold comes with a several pre-configured dashboard views. You can create your own dashboard views to use in addition to the pre-configured views. You can create as many as you feel necessary to organize your system for efficient reporting.

To create a new dashboard view:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Dashboard Views. The Manage Dashboard Views dialog appears.
  2. Click New. The New Dashboard View dialog appears.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate information:
    • View name. Enter a unique name for the dashboard view.
    • View Type. Select the type of view on which to base the new view.
    • Start with. Select how you would like the dashboard view to begin. You may choose one of the pre-configured views or choose An empty view to create your own customized dashboard view.
    • Number of columns. If creating a customized view, enter the number of columns to include in the view.
    • Column 1 width. If creating a customized view, enter the width of the first column in the view (in pixels).
    • Column 2 width. If creating a customized view, enter the width of the second column in the view (in pixels).
  4. Click OK to save changes.

To edit an existing dashboard view:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Dashboard Views. The Manage Dashboard Views dialog appears.
  2. Select a view from the list, then click Edit. The Edit Dashboard View dialog appears.
  3. Enter the appropriate information:
    • View name. Enter a unique name for the dashboard view.
    • Number of columns. If creating a customized view, enter the number of columns to include in the view.
    • Column 1 width. If creating a customized view, enter the width of the first column in the view (in pixels).
    • Column 2 width. If creating a customized view, enter the width of the second column in the view (in pixels).
  4. Click OK to save changes.

To copy an existing dashboard view:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Dashboard Views. The Manage Dashboard Views dialog appears.
  2. Select a view from the list, then click Copy. The Edit Dashboard View dialog appears.
  3. Enter the appropriate information:
    • View name. Enter a unique name for the dashboard view.
    • Number of columns. If creating a customized view, enter the number of columns to include in the view.
    • Column 1 width. If creating a customized view, enter the width of the first column in the view (in pixels).
    • Column 2 width. If creating a customized view, enter the width of the second column in the view (in pixels).
  4. Click OK to save changes.

To copy a dashboard view to another WhatsUp Gold user:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Dashboard Views. The Manage Dashboard Views dialog appears.
  2. Click Copy to. The Edit Dashboard View dialog appears.
  3. Enter the appropriate information:
    • View name. Enter a unique name for the dashboard view.
    • Copy to user. Select the user account from where you want to copy the dashboard view.
  4. Click OK to save changes.

To delete a dashboard view:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Dashboard Views. The Manage Dashboard Views dialog appears.
  2. Select a view from the list, then click Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

See Also


Configuring Email settings

Changing preferences

Using the Program Options

Common SNMP traps

Event Viewer

Payload definition

Process list

Select computer

Select Device

SQL server services

Types of SNMP Trap monitors

WinEvent condition

FTP server user permissions

Setting Advanced Properties for a VoIP Monitor

Hub Transport Server Role Thresholds

Importing a MIB file

Selecting a blackout period

Select a device

Select computer

Setting Advanced Properties for a HTTP Content Monitor

Setting Advanced Properties for an Email Active Monitor

Setting Modem Connection Preferences

SMS Providers

Viewing the translation dialog


Adding and editing user accounts

Change your password

Configure Network statistics threshold

Copy dashboard view

Copy dashboard view to a user

Edit dashboard view

New dashboard view

Select action type

Select Web Task Type

Setting Advanced Options

Editing a language