You can use WhatsUp Gold Alert Center to configure wireless thresholds to alert you about the health of your Wireless infrastructure devices according to the threshold parameters you configure. There are multiple wireless threshold types:
See Also
Configuring wireless thresholds
Configuring a Wireless Access Point RSSI threshold
Configuring a Wireless Banned Client MAC Addresses threshold
Configuring a Wireless CPU Utilization threshold
Configuring a Wireless Client Bandwidth threshold
Configuring a Wireless Device Over Subscription threshold
Configuring a Wireless Excessive Rogues threshold
Configuring a Wireless Memory Utilization threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Access Point MAC Addresses threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Hidden SSID threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Specific SSID threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Unknown SSID threshold