Viewing application performance configuration

The APM configuration page allows you to view detailed information about the application profiles currently in use as well as a summary of components, instances, and action policies active for each profile. From here, you can select a specific application profile to view and/or edit.

To access the APM Status page, go to APM > Configuration page.

On the left of the Configuration page, the Application tree provides a way to determine the scope of the data provided in the right-hand content pane, as well as to provide the status of instances and components. The tree has a root that provides information on All Applications configured for APM. Below this root, if configured, there are three levels:

To configure Application Profiles, see Working with application profiles.

See Also

APM configuration

Understanding applications

Configuring APM to monitor applications

Working with application profiles

Working with components

Working with application instances

Working with critical component groups

Working with discrete applications