The client details interface displays the following data for the selected time interval:
Note: A client's overall Percent Connected is not an average of each Percent Connected displayed below it in the expanded client's polling detail. Each instance of Percent Connected is in direct relation to the associated times under First Seen and Last Seen.
Caution: Polling interval and data retention settings affect session time and detailed polling information reported displayed for a client. When determining settings for data retention schedules, make modifications based on your network size. Consider that specificity is lost as data is rolled up from raw to hourly data and from hourly to daily data. Keeping raw data for less time may improve performance.
Example: A client is connected to a specific access point from 10:05 to 10:20 and again from 10:35 to 10:55 on February 1st, 2012. When the raw data is rolled up to hourly, you will know a device was connected for 50 minutes between 10:05 and 10:55 but will no longer be able to determine when the gap occurred within the hour. The Clients page will display a Start Time of 2/1/2012 10:05 AM, an End Time of 2/1/2012 10:55 AM, and a Percent Connected of 70.0%. Contiguous data is not lost in the roll up. Data is displayed as follows: First Time Seen - Last Time Seen - Total Minutes; so, if the device was constantly connected from 10:10 to 10:40, the connection would start 10:10, end at 10:40 and have a connected percentage of 100%.
Contiguous data is not lost in the roll up. Data is displayed as follows: First Time Seen - Last Time Seen - Total Minutes; so, if the device was connected from 10:00 to 10:30, you would know the connection was active between 10:00 and 10:30.
Note: When Current is selected as the reporting time interval, graphical data is replaced with gauges showing Bandwidth, SNR, and RSSI data and Associations by AP and Associations by SSID are no longer displayed. The minimum and maximum values shown on the each gauge are determined by the data reported on that gauge.
Each element of the client details page is collapsible so you can customize which client details are displayed and which are hidden. To hide an item, click the to the left of the element you no longer want displayed. Click the
to the left of any hidden item to display it.
Specifically, for individual client session details, each client name, MAC address, and IP address displayed is hyperlinked. Clicking a hyperlink automatically uses that text as a search term and launches a search page listing matching Wireless information. You can perform additional searches for information on other wireless infrastructure devices from this page by using the search box at the top of the table where the hyperlinked content you clicked to launch the initial search is pre-populated. Additionally, session details can be sorted in the same manner as tabular data on the main Clients page. You can return to the Clients page by clicking the Back To Clients Page hyperlink at the top of the client detail full page view.