The PassiveMonitorActivityLog table stores Passive Monitor data collected by SNMP Trap, Syslog, and Windows Event Log monitoring.
When WhatsUp Gold collects large quantities of unnecessary or unwanted passive monitor data, a very large table can result.
Important: We recommend making a backup of your WhatsUp Gold database should you need to reverse any of the following changes.
To remove all passive monitor data from the WhatsUp database:
>sqlcmd -E -S "%COMPUTERNAME%\WHATSUP" -Q "TRUNCATE TABLE [WhatsUp].[dbo].[PassiveMonitorActivityLog]"
Note: Replace %COMPUTERNAME%
with the name of the WhatsUp Gold computer.
The command listed above assumes you are using the SQL Server 2008 Express Edition database that is installed with WhatsUp Gold. If you are using an alternate database configuration, contact your database administrator to determine what information should be included with the "-S" switch.
After you have removed all the Passive Monitor data from the WhatsUp database, you can optionally shrink the WhatsUp database files to reclaim disk space on the SQL server.
To shrink the WhatsUp Gold database:
Note: Replace %COMPUTERNAME%
with the name of the WhatsUp Gold computer.
The database shrink could take quite some time depending on the size of the database and system resources, but reports a short database space analysis after completion.
Note: You can abort the shrink process at any time by using the [CTRL] + [C] keystroke sequence.
More information on the "DBCC SHRINKDATABASE" command can be found on Microsoft's web site at:
Important: After you reclaiming database space, you should examine your passive monitors' configuration. You can do this easily by viewing the the Total Passive Monitors by Type dashboard report (available on any Home dashboard), and the system-level SNMP Trap Log, Syslog Entries, and Windows Event Log reports. If you have passive monitors assigned to "talkative" devices, or you have monitors which are not exclusive enough in their search criteria assigned to your WhatsUp devices, you may re-encounter this problem as more passive monitor data is collected by the system.