About Map View device limitations

By default, WhatsUp Gold does not display maps with more than 256 devices. You can change this default within the registry keys, with the understanding that it will cause lengthy delays by specifying larger device defaults.

Important: The more devices you allow on a map, the longer time you will wait for the map to load.

To change map device limitations:

  1. Locate the registry key which controls this setting.
    • For 32-bit operating systems, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ipswitch\Network Monitor\WhatsUp Gold\Settings.
    • For 64-bit operating systems, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ipswitch\Network Monitor\WhatsUp Gold\Settings
  2. Change the MapView-MaxDevices registry key to a number greater than 256 (Decimal).

Note: If you want to change the text that displays when you reach the maximum device limit, you can change it in the MapView-MaxDevicesMessage registry value. The default text is:
There are more devices on this Map than can be |drawn in a reasonable time. Use the Device List |to manage devices for this Group. | |To increase the maximum of (%ld) devices that |can be drawn per Map, look in the online help |system for Map Device Limits.
The pipes (|) in the default text indicate line breaks in the text and the (%ld) is a variable for the MapView-MaxDevicesMessage value.

See Also

Using Maps

Using Map View

Using Map Options commands

Creating Layer 2 Groups