Wireless infrastructure devices are discovered along with non-wireless devices connected to the network during the WhatsUp Gold discovery process. Network discovery is the process WhatsUp Gold uses to identify devices on your network that you may want to monitor. Network discovery scans each device to determine its manufacturer, model, and running software and services.
Discovering wireless devices on your network is a three-stage process that includes:
Important: Do not use single device discovery (Device > New Device) to add wireless devices to WhatsUp Gold, as devices discovered using this discovery method are not recognized as wireless devices.
To discover wireless devices:
Important: The addresses and credentials of wireless devices you want to monitor/manage with WhatsUp Gold Wireless must be included in the discovery scan settings. Prior to running the discovery process, we recommend assigning SNMPv2 or higher credentials to wireless devices, controllers, and access points. SNMPv2 or higher credentials allow for network information to be polled and passed in data batch groups, whereas SNMP v1 credentials limit device information to be polled and passed in single data operations.
Important: To ensure wireless devices are found during discovery, confirm that the Gather information for wireless topology and performance option is selected under Settings > Advanced Settings in the WhatsUp Gold Discovery Console.
If desired, you can also specify the default configuration behaviors of wireless devices found during the WhatsUp Gold discovery by using the Device Role Settings dialog, which is accessed through the WhatsUp Gold console. For more information, see Modifying wireless device role settings.