Setting Advanced Properties for a HTTP Content Monitor

You can configure the user agent and custom headers for the HTTP Content Monitor.

Type or select the appropriate information in the following fields.

User agent

The user agent string identifies which web browser is making an HTTP request. You can use this to imitate your web site being visited by various browsers. Select a browser from the list. The user agent from the latest version of the browser is populated for the browser you select. You can use this agent string, or enter a different user agent string for the version of the browser that you want WhatsUp Gold to check.

Custom headers

Enter any specific headers for which you want the monitor to check. Enter a header as Field:Value. You can enter up to three custom headers.

Note: Errors can result when using invalid custom headers or when modifying headers that do not allow modification, such as the HTTP Host header. You can test custom headers by clicking Request URL contents on the New/Edit HTTP Content Monitor dialog. If there is a problem with the header, an error message displays the problem. For example,

"An error occurred with the requested website. Error: The 'Host' header cannot be modified directly. Parameter name: name."

In this example, a user entered as a custom header. However, the Host header cannot be modified and an error generated as a result.

Click OK to save changes.