Editing favorites

To remove buttons from your Favorites group:

  1. From the Dashboard tab, click Edit Favorites. The Edit Favorites dialog appears.
  2. Click the X at the upper right of each button you want to remove from the toolbar.
  3. When you have deleted all of the buttons from the Favorites group that you want to remove, click Save. The buttons are removed from your Favorites group.

    Note: If you delete all of the buttons from the Favorites group, the WhatsUp Gold default Favorites appear in the group when you save.

To change the order of your Favorites group:

  1. From the Dashboard tab, click Edit Favorites. The Edit Favorites dialog appears.
  2. From within the Edit Favorites dialog, click and drag the buttons to the order you prefer.
  3. When the buttons are in the preferred order, click Save. The dialog closes and the toolbar updates with the new button order.

See Also

Using Favorites

Understanding favorites

Adding favorites