About "$"

Within WhatsConfigured scripts the dollar sign, '$', is a reserved character required for use in variable references. If a script requires the use of a dollar sign outside of the variable reference it may be escaped with an additional dollar sign.

For example to write the Password 'pa$$word' you would escape the two dollar signs with additional dollar signs: 'pa$$$$word'

Note: To avoid erroneous dollar sign variable references WhatsConfigured allows a single unescaped dollar sign when not followed by an open parentheses "$(". A line containing "thi$" would pass without needing to be escaped. Whereas the line "thi$(" would require the dollar sign be escaped "thi$$(".

Use the table below as an illustration of how many $'s you must enter in WhatsConfigured to achieve the appropriate number of $'s in a script command.

To achieve x # of $'s

Enter this many $'s in the code




$$$ or $$$$


$$$$$ (5) or $$$$$$ (6)


$$$$$$$ (7) or $$$$$$$$ (8)

See Also

Using WhatsConfigured Commands

About commands

About basic WhatsConfigured command syntax

About strings and regular expressions in WhatsConfigured

Storing WhatsConfigured command output in the WhatsUp Gold database

Editing WhatsConfigured command output

Using WhatsConfigured commands with queries

About WhatsConfigured command layout

WhatsConfigured script variables affecting command execution

About WhatsConfigured command types