Using the Flow Unclassified Traffic dialog

Use the Unclassified Traffic dialog to view unclassified traffic by the interface over which the traffic is transmitted.

Unclassified Traffic

Note: The ports listed in this dialog have not been mapped to any application. The traffic displayed is the total in bytes for the period since the last hourly roll up time.

Note: In Flow Monitor, for traffic to be considered "unclassified," both the port from which the data is sent, or the source port, and the receiving, or destination port, must not be classified in the Flow Ports dialog. If either the source or destination port is classified, the traffic is associated with the application of the classified port.

The dialog displays unclassified traffic data in the following boxes.

Manipulating dialog data

Use the list boxes at the top of the dialog to manipulate the port data displayed in this dialog.

Classifying ports

If you want to classify a port so that Flow Monitor monitors the port for inbound or outbound traffic, select one of the following options:

Exporting the Unclassified Traffic report

Click Export to create a PDF file containing the contents of the Unclassified Traffic report. You can save the file, or view the file in a PDF viewer.

See Also

Managing unclassified traffic

Classifying traffic that is considered unclassified