About the WhatsUp Gold web interface

The WhatsUp Gold web interface allows you to view and modify most WhatsUp Gold features from a web browser. You can discover network devices; configure monitors, alerts, and actions; view reports for devices and groups of devices, manage admin features, and more in the WhatsUp Gold web interface.

Reporting features are available in the web interface. Full reports and dashboard reports provide information about device status and performance. Full reports are located in the Monitoring and Logs tabs and dashboard reports are located in the Home tab under the Home button.

If you have used previous versions of the WhatsUp Gold web interface, you'll notice changes designed to make WhatsUp Gold easier to navigate and use. Here's more about the interface:

See Also

Using the WhatsUp Gold Web Interface

Accessing the web interface

Organizing Devices, Device Groups, and Maps with drag-and-drop

About the Task Tray and Desktop Actions icons