Poll multiple reference variables

Note: This example is provided as an illustration only and is not supported. Technical support is available for the Context object, SNMP API, and scripting environment, but Ipswitch does not provide support for JScript, VBScript, or developing and debugging Active Script monitors or actions. For assistance with this example or with writing your own scripts, visit the WhatsUp Gold user community.

This performance monitor graphs the percentage of retransmitted TCP segments over time using two reference variables: RVtcpOytSegs and RVtcpRetransSegs.

// This script is a JScript that will allow you to graph the percentage of restransmitted TCP
//' segments over time on a device.
// For this script, we use two SNMP reference variables:
//' The first Reference variable RVtcpOutSegs is defined with OID and instance 0. It polls the
//' SNMP object tcpOutSegs.0, the total number of tcp segments sent out on the network.
var RVtcpOutSegs = parseInt(Context.GetReferenceVariable("RVtcpOutSegs"));

// The second reference variable RVtcpRetransSegs is defined with OID and instance 0. It polls
// the SNMP object tcpRetransSegs.0, the total number of TCP segments that were retransmitted on the system.
var RVtcpRetransSegs = parseInt(Context.GetReferenceVariable("RVtcpRetransSegs"));

if (isNaN(RVtcpRetransSegs) || isNaN(RVtcpOutSegs)) {
Context.SetResult(1, "Failed to poll the reference variables.");
else {
// Compute the percentage:
var TCPRetransmittedPercent = 100 * RVtcpRetransSegs / RVtcpOutSegs;
// Set the performance monitor value to graph

See Also

Example Active Script Performance Monitors

Graphing printer ink level utilization

Poll a reference variable and perform a calculation

Graph a temperature monitor

Use SNMP GetNext.