Setting the logging level

Use the Flow Settings dialog to specify the level of information that is recorded for the Flow Log.

Note: The logging level that you specify on the Flow Settings dialog determines the level of data that Flow Monitor records, whereas the logging level that you specify on the Flow Log report page determines the level of data displayed within the report.

Important: Keep in mind that if you choose the Normal or Errors Only levels, you will not be able to view the Verbose level from the Flow Log report page.

To set the Flow Monitor logging level:

  1. Navigate to the Flow Settings dialog (Flow Monitor > Settings). The Flow Settings dialog appears.
  2. Under General, select the Log level.
    • Normal. Select this option to record errors and some general event information.
    • Verbose Logging. Select this option to record more detailed information than normal logging. This option can create a large number of records and may be resource intensive; it is only recommended for use while troubleshooting issues.
    • Errors Only. Select this option to record only events that register as errors.
  3. Click OK to accept changes.

See Also

Managing Flow Monitor Settings

Flow Monitor Settings

Configure Flow Monitor to listen for NetFlow data

Data retention strategy and tuning

Configuring data retention settings