WhatsConfigured script variables affecting command execution

When running a script, WhatsConfigured defines several script variables that contain information necessary to execute the script's commands. For example, the CommandPrompt variable contains a pattern (i.e., string or regular expression) that describes the command prompt string used by the device. This pattern is used to detect when the device is prompting for a command. Several other variables are also defined. A complete list of all script variables affecting command execution are listed in the following table. WhatsConfigured's assigns default values to each of these variables. If a script author wants to override WhatsConfigured's default behavior, he or she may do so by re-defining one or more of these variables. For example, if a script wants to override the command prompt pattern used to run the script, it can re-define the CommandPrompt variable to contain the pattern of choice.






String or regular expression

Pattern describing the username prompt displayed by the device when a user logs in

"login as:"


String or regular expression

Pattern describing the password prompt displayed by the device when a user logs in



String or regular expression

Pattern describing the command prompt displayed by the device when prompting the user for a command

/.+(#|>) /


String or regular expression

Pattern describing the "more" prompt displayed by the device when displaying paged output




String to be entered in response to a "more" prompt




Line termination sequence to be used with logging in




Line termination sequence to be used when executing commands


See Also

Using WhatsConfigured Commands

About commands

About basic WhatsConfigured command syntax

About strings and regular expressions in WhatsConfigured

Storing WhatsConfigured command output in the WhatsUp Gold database

Editing WhatsConfigured command output

Using WhatsConfigured commands with queries

About WhatsConfigured command layout

About WhatsConfigured command types