Example Scripts

This example shows a typical script that uses @login to login to the device, uses @enable to enter privileged mode, and then executes several Device commands.



[running-config] show run

[-] exit

This example shows how to login to a device and run a command using only low-level WhatsConfigured commands:

@connect "login as: "

@write "$(Settings.UserName)"

@write $(LoginTerminator)

@read "password: "

@write "$(Settings.Password)"

@write $(LoginTerminator)

@read $(CommandPrompt)

@write "exit"

@write $(CommandTerminator)

This example shows how to combine high-level commands and low-level commands in the same script as above:



@write "copy tftp start"

@write $(CommandTerminator)

@write "$(TFTPServerAddress)"

@write $(CommandTerminator)

@write "$(TransferFileName)"

@write $(CommandTerminator)

@write $(CommandTerminator)

[-] exit

See Also

Script Examples